Chapter 23 - Lannister Camp

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Jaime was my only option at this point. If I had travelled north I would have risked the chance of running into Tywin and he would certainly imprison me for being a traitor, but at least with Jaime I had a chance. At least I hoped I did. I wasn’t sure how many friends I lost indefinitely by siding with Robb.

I wanted nothing more than to go back to him, but I knew I couldn’t. He needed the bridge and despite what he said this was the only way if he was to cross in time.

“Stop!” I heard a male voice call out causing me to immediately pull Ace to a stand-still. “Who are you and where are you going?” The voice asked. He was standing to my left, a little behind me, just out of my sight.

I slowly turned my head to see who it was before I blurted out who I was, but I was fairly sure I knew. At least I knew who he fought for. Sure enough, stitched onto his chest was the Lannister sigil. There were four other men behind him, but only he spoke. “I’ve come to speak with Ser Jaime Lannister.” I said with as much authority as I could muster.

“Who are you?”

“I will not answer any more of your questions, Ser. My business is my own. I will only speak to Jaime.”

“Very well, but I’m afraid you’ll have to be searched.”

“There are two knives in boots, one in my belt and a sword and bow on my saddle. You may hold them all temporarily, but you will give them all to Ser Jaime when I see him.” I said, sternly, knowing if I didn’t mention it they’d keep the weapons for themselves. The man nodded before gesturing for another man to grab them. The other soldier walked up to me on his horse and grabbed all of the weapons I mentioned, also looking for others, but found none. Once they were satisfied the five men escorted me to where Jaime had set up his camp. We all dismounted our horses once we arrived, but I refused to let Ace be taken by the horse carer and kept him by my side.

Of course Jaime’s tent was the biggest one that had been centred in the middle with a few guards posted outside.

“Ser Jaime.” The leader of the group spoke up as we entered the tent. Jaime sat with a few counsellors, looking over a map, like I had seen Robb do so many times before.

“What is it?” he asked as he spun around, but as soon as his eyes landed on me he was in no need of an answer and continued before the man could respond. “Everyone out.” A couple of the men around him went to protest, but Jaime held up his hand to silence them. “I said leave.” With a few more grumbles all of the men exited the tent, leaving me and Jaime, but not before the soldiers who had found me placed my weapons on a nearby table. “What in seven hells are you doing here?”

“I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

“Do your direwolf turn on you?” He asked in a mocking tone.

“No… I left. I had to. I didn’t want to, but it’s the way it had to go if Robb is to stand a chance in this war.”

Jaime crossed his arms over his chest. “You can’t just run back and forth between Starks and Lannisters, Aiyana.”

“I judge every person individually, not by their whole house. Just because Starks and Lannisters don’t get on doesn’t mean outsiders can’t have friends on both sides.”

“It does in war.” Jaime stated.

“If I head north I may make it to the Wall, but I also may run into your father. He’ll imprison me or have my head sent Joffrey on a silver platter. I have nowhere to go in the east or the west. The South is the most dangerous, but I guess I was hoping you might help me.”


“Jaime, please. You and I both know that with Robert dead I wouldn’t have lasted long in the capital. The Queen would have found someway call me an enemy of the state or a traitor. The Starks were my only choice.”

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