Chapter 8 - Desperation

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By the time I had returned from my walk Jon had left, but he left my cloak hanging in a visible place. I wrapped it around my shoulders and made my way back. Hopefully he had found Tyrion and warned him that I wanted to speak, meaning that he would be sober.

Which he was. I found him in the dinning hall speaking with Yoren and Benjen, drinking of course, but he wasn’t quite drunk yet. Yoren and Benjen stood up embracing for a moment before Benjen took his leave. He stopped by the doorway before exiting to place and hand on my cheek and pull me in for another hug.

“I am sorry child.” He whispered and then pulled back. He continued, still in a hushed whisper, “Maybe upon your return you can talk him in Clagane over Ramsay. He may not make the best husband in the world, but he’d be a great deal better than Bolton’s Bastard.”

“It’s not Robert I have to talk into it, it’s my father and he already sent his reply.”

“Before he knew of Jon’s situation. It’s not too late, Aiy.”

“He said he wanted me out of the North, that was his reasoning to sending my to Kings Landing. So why agree to marry me to a Northerner?”

“Maybe he believes that Jaime won’t refuse. Your father is a stubborn and complex man, besides if it does come down to it and Ramsay is what they say… You’ll put him in his place no doubt.” I chuckled. “And if that proves futile then best leave him for the crows.” He said with an edge to his voice. Wildlings called the men of the watch Crows. I knew exactly what he mean and it made me smile. He kissed me on the forehead as a goodbye and left.

“Stay safe!” I yelled after him. Benjen had gone on hundreds of ranges and only ever returned with minor scraped or bruises, there was nothing to say that this time would be any different, but that didn’t make me any less uneasy. It was a dangerous place, one that I had described to Jon as death and it was only a matter of time before it yet again lived up to that name.

Once Benjen was gone and out of ear shot Tyrion turned back to Yoren. “Going bellow?”

“Aye, into the tunnel and out the other side. He’ll be north of the wall for a month or two.” Yoren explained as I walked up to them and took a seat next to Yoren.

“So… you’re heading to Kings Landing?” Tyrion asked him.

“Heading out the day after tomorrow. I get most of my recruits from their dungeons.”

“Let’s share the road. I could use some decent company.” Tyrion said. I glared at him and he continued. “Aside from the lovely lady, of course.”

“I travel on a bit of a grubby side, m’lord.”

“Not this time. We stay at the finest castles and inns. No-one turns away a Lannister.” Tyrion said with pride. I rolled my eyes as him which he only smirked at.

“Very well then.” Yoren agreed. Great. I loved Yoren, but as he said he was leaving the day after tomorrow. That was too soon for my liking, but I had to leave when Tyrion did. Kings orders.

“I believe you wanted to speak to me?” Tyrion turned to me.


“Does this conversation require privacy or can our friend stay and finish getting drunk?” He asked with a raised cup over the word drunk.

I looked at Yoren and he raised his eyebrows in a way that said, ‘would you really send me away.’ I smiled at him. “Yoren can stay.” Tryion and Yoren shared a smile and then clashed their goblets together before taking a drink.

I sighed and waited for them to place their drink down. “I need you to send a convincing raven to Jaime.” I started. Tyrion gave me a confused look and I proceed to tell him all about the arrange marriages the King had planned including Jon originally being one of them before taking the black.

“The boy hasn’t taken his oath yet.” Yoren replied with another sip of wine.

“I’m not going to run up to him and beg him to go back to winterfell only to save me from a marriage. I barely know him.”

“So instead you want me to write to Jaime and convince him to accept so you don’t have to marry this Ramsay Snow, because he’s rumoured to be uglier than a turnip and meaner than goblins and snarks.” He said, mocking the things found beyond the wall.

“There are truths in every rumour, Tyrion. Do I want to marry Jaime? No. Would I rather marry Jaime than the Bastard of the Dreadford? Yes.”

“What of this Hound?” Yoren suggested. “The younger Clegane.”

“The King has lined Sandor Clegane up as a backup. In case Roose Bolton disagrees to me marrying his son.” I explained.

“Which he won’t.” Tyrion said. “Aiyana has the highest ranking position that Bolton’s bastard can hope for. Not to mention he’s his only son considering Ramsay supposedly murdered the legitimate ones in an attempt to claim his non-existent rights. He’s all Bolton has at this stage and he needs to milk him for all he can.”

“Exactly. So will you write to Jaime? A raven will get to Kings Landing before we do.” I said desperately.

“Of course. But every raven’s letter is first read by that old oaf, Grand Maester Pycell, and he answers to Cersei above anyone and I guarantee she won’t be all too pleased with this arrangement.” Tyrion said. I hadn’t thought of that. I didn’t know if Tyrion knew of his siblings indiscretions or not, but I had had my hunches for a long time and knew full well that the Queen hated me.

“What’s the rush? Can’t you speak to your brother in person when you get back?” Yoren asked with another drink.

“As soon as Robert receives Ser Alliser’s replyhe will move ahead with his plan. Jaime could have already declined before we get there. My brother may accept if he knew of the conditions, but I highly doubt the King would tell him of who Aiyana will be handed to if he refuses. Or at least my sweet sister wouldn’t allow him and meddle in some way.”

“Never thought the day would come when we are plotting to have me marry Jaime.” I muttered, snatching Yoren goblet from him and downing the remains, which wasn’t much so I gave Tyrion an expecting glance. He sighed, took another sip and handed me what was left in his cup. It was gone quicker than he could blink. He looked at me in surprise and Yoren laughed.

“We raised her proper, m’lord.” He said, still laughing.

“No argument there.” Tyrion said with a smile. “I shall go and write my persuasive letter now and hope that Pycell is still somewhat a king’s man over a queens.” Tyrion said as he stood up.

He walked out, grabbing the jug of wine as he did and also the now empty goblet I had in my hand as he did.

Once he had left Yoren turned to me. “You could always just not return to Kings Landing.”

“And go where?”

“As pretty as you looked in a silk gown, My Lady.” He teased in a proper speaking mockery, which caused me to smile, “You’ve always been better on your own in the middle I nowhere. Wherever you go I’m sure you’ll be fine. Even if you went someplace far like Dorne. I may never see you again, but at least I would know you’d be happy. Maester Aamon taught you all those languages didn’t he?”

“Yes he did, but I fear I’d melt in the sand Dorne, Kings Landing was hard enough. If I go anywhere it will be in the North.”

“That little lord isn’t half bad. Not what I was expecting at all. I’m sure he could be persuaded to go along with a plan such as… you took a nasty fall off your horse or were bitten by a highly poisonous snake or perhaps eaten by a wolf.”

I chuckled. “A wolf has a nice ring to it, poetic rather. That is how Thorne found my mother wasn’t it? She’d been attacked by a Dire Wolf.”

“Aye, it was. Go and get some rest. May be go to Aamon’s library. That was your favourite hide out, yes?”

“Good idea.” I kissed Yoren on the cheek and left to go to Aamon’s lair, as I liked to call it.

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