Chapter 25 - The King in the North

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Theon had told me. He was with Robb when they’d received the raven informing them that Joffrey had ordered Ser Ilyn Payne to execute Lord Stark. Theon had left him alone to inform Lady Catelyn and then after that he came to me.

“Where is he?” I asked Theon.

“When I left Lady Stark I saw him leaving his tent, heading towards the trees.” I nodded as I looked up at Theon. He was trying hard to hide it, but I could see he to was upset. “I’m sorry, I know you were close to Lord Stark.”

“I was his prisoner, you know. After my father rebelled Lord Stark took me as a hostage, but I was always introduced as his ward.”

“Were you ever treated like a prisoner?” I questioned.

“No, never. I wanted to hate him, all of them, but… I couldn’t.” Theon explained. I gave him a small smile before leaning up to give him a hug that he returned. Theon, not being the soft affectionate type, broke of the hug quickly. “Go on, you should find Robb.” I nodded again and left to find him.

Once I entered the tree line I could faintly here a clanging sound from a sword. “Robb.” I heard Lady Stark’s voice. I stepped closer until I could see Robb around a corner swinging his sword into the thick trunk of a tree out of anger and sadness. “Robb!” Catelyn said again more sternly and he stopped to look at her with heavy deep breaths. “You’ve ruined your sword.” Catelyn stated. Robb looked down at it and the blade dropped to the ground as he let it go. Catelyn approached him and brought him to her for a hug. I could barely heard him say, “I’m going to kill them all. Every one.”

Catelyn’s next words were even less audible than Robb’s, but I could just make them out. “They have your sisters. We have to get the girls back… and then we will kill them all.”

I found myself backing up into the shade of the trees, wanting to give them a moment. After a few more second I heard footsteps and I turned and saw Lady Stark. She didn’t say anything to me, but she nodded as if I should go to him before continuing to walk away.

I took a few more steps and upon hearing me Robb turned around. We stared at each other for a moment before I finished walking over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He almost collapsed onto me. He wasn’t crying as such, but his eyes were red and his breathing heavy. “I’m going to kill them.” He repeated the words he had said to his mother to me.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back a bit to look him in the eye, “I know, but one step at a time. I think the men are gathering. Word has gotten around.” I said.

Robb nodded. “I’ll go to them.” He said in a weak voice.

I shook my head. “No, not yet.” I took his hand and led him over to the side of the nearby hill and sat down. Robb sat down next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. 

It was another half an hour and the sun had set before Theon eventually came to find us. All of the bannermen and a few other knights had assembled and were waiting for Robb. Robb told him he’d be there in a minute and then helped me stand. I saw him take a deep breath and gave him the best comforting smile I could. “Come with me. To the meeting.” He stated. I nodded and we walked together until we found the gathering. Robb took up a seat in front of his men while I stood back. He gave me look that told me to sit next to him, but I gave a slight shake of my head. I didn’t want to until the Frey business was sorted out. It wasn’t a petty thing, but for the time being his men believed he was to marry the Frey girl and there were a couple of Frey men in the gathering so I chose to stand back which lady Stark seemed to approve of. Theon shuffled over in his seat where he was sitting opposite Robb and I sat beside him. 

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