Chapter 22 - Robb

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Robb woke to find the bed empty and immediately knew why. He jumped up and got changed, running straight for his horse.

"Robb!" He heard Theon's voice shout, but ignored it and galloped away from the camp. He guessed the direction, assuming Aiyana would have taken the easiest track wanting to move as fast as possible, and thankfully was right. He found horse tracks with a long stride, that could only belong to Ace, along the water's edge and followed them until came across a small ferry crossing. In the distance he could see a man rowing a boat towards him, but he couldn't see Aiyana on the other side of the river. The had probably ridden off some time ago as the man wasn't travelling all that fast in the boat, probably weary from the first trip, not to mention she more than likely demanded that her stallion come as well.

Robb found himself staring across the water as he sat on his horse.

"Robb." He didn't need to turn around to know it was Theon, knowing he would have followed him from the camp. "What are you doing?"

"She's gone. I told her I wasn't going to go through with it, but she said I had to. I thought I'd convinced her otherwise, but..." Robb trailed off.

"Are you going after her?"

"I'd never catch up. By the time the ferryman would get me across she'd be too far away."

"You don't need him. You can use the bridge. Then send knights out to find her." Theon suggested.

"To cross the bridge I'd have to agree and then to go out and find Aiyana and bring her back... I'd be breaking my oath."

"You'd only be breaking your oath if you married Aiyana instead of the Frey girl."

Robb finally snapped his head around to look at his friend, turning his horse in the process. "If I find her... I'll marry her and I can't do that if I'm engaged to someone else."

"Yes you can." Theon nodded, that gleam in his eye that he always had at the thought of breaking a rule. "Frey can't do anything about it if he's already let you cross."

"It wouldn't be right." Robb argued.

"It's your decision, Robb. You can either live with a clean conscience without Aiyana, or you can live with her and the guilt of a broken oath. What would you find more bearable?"

Robb looked at his friend for a moment before glancing back out at the water. He took another second before replying. "She would have had nothing to go to if she had travelled East or West. Her first preference would have been to go North, but from where we are now she would have risked running into Tywin or some of his men on patrol, that's why she went South... and there's only one person she can go to safely in the South."

"Jaime." Theon stated and Robb nodded. "But she knows that's where we'll be heading."

"Doesn't matter. Jaime wouldn't keep her there for long or else word would reach Kings Landing or his father before she could get far enough away. He'd keep her one night, maybe two before assigning a couple of his trusted men to take her someplace else."


"I have no idea, which is why we need to leave... now. We have a bridge to cross and a battle to win." Robb stated before kicking his horse and galloping back to the camp to ready his men.

HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so i'm having problems. I love far too many characters in GoT. There's Robb, Jon, Jaime, Oberyn, Jojen, Gendry, The Hound, Ramsay, and TyrionSo far in my book i've had Robb (Obviously), JoN, Jaime, and Tyrion. There's been a little of The Hound and i'm planning more plus i'm planning a couple of Jon chapters, but I NEED THEM ALL haha and i have no idea how to do that because they are all in completely different parts of Westeros so... I can link Jon chapters with Aiyana a little bit because he knows her and because of the Wall, but i can't just throw in a random Oberyn/Jojen/Ramsay/Gendry chapter so HELP!

What do I do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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