Part 1: The Drive

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Thomas awoke with a start as the sweat that was clustered around his forehead slid off like butter as he sat up from his bed. It was around 7:30 pm on a Monday night. He had about an hour until his shift started. Nightmares from his army days plagued him and he decided that getting up would be the best solution since the nightmares would just keep him awake. He took a quick shower, donned his hotel's uniform suit, and fastened on his name pin that read: Manager - Thomas Greene.

When he had first started here he felt out of place, he didn't know the language and certainly didn't know the people. Thomas grew accustomed over time due to the fact that he was a resident of Seoul for about four years. He had improved his Korean to the point where he reached fluency. Thomas rose up the ranks and was eventually promoted to the night manager—a position he felt suited him—for his sleep schedule had always been unusual.

As Thomas walked across the street towards his workplace, the Bom Pokpo Hotel (Spring Waterfall Hotel), He remembered the days when he still lived in London with his family as a small child. His parents had been quite wealthy and loved to travel often. One such place was Korea. He had been too young to travel long distances with them but he remembered how lovesick his mother looked when she came back. She had gushed about the glorious beauty and simplicity of the nature and mountains of Jeju Island, and the nightlife in the region of Seoul. Unfortunately, their wealth began to dwindle as Thomas got older and his father's gambling habits took hold, so the family moved to the Americas, specifically to California.

Later, Tom's father signed up for the US Army but was soon killed in a botched mission. Thomas joined the army as well when he was in his early twenties to help with expenses at home, as well as to follow in his father's footsteps, but the fighting proved to be too much for him. Thomas was honorably discharged from the army and decided that the next place he should go to get his life in order was far away from where he had last been: and that new place happened to be Seoul.

Some might think that being a night manager would be boring or a waste of one's youth but Thomas enjoyed the ambiance and silence late-night management brought. Sometimes there would be a bustle of people and Thomas enjoyed being able to interact with interesting customers from around the world or even those who were local. This night in particular, however, proved to be the turning point in his life. It was nearing Tom's shift time and he was looking through the register at the list of incoming guests.

He had sorted some bills, letters, and other various documents of the hotel when the bell on the counter rang once. He swiftly looked up and was met with a beautiful sight. It was a young woman close to his age, though clearly younger. She had soft, delicate features and wore a light pink cardigan over a long-sleeved, white turtleneck. Below, she wore a pair of dark-washed jeans and boots. He quickly covered up his awe and smiled. "Hello madame, what can I do for you today?" he asked in perfect Korean. The woman smiled, "Hello Mr. Greene. I would like to check a booking under the name of Joon Lee?" replied the woman in English.

Realizing she could speak English, Thomas immediately switched back to using his native tongue and responded, "Yes, Room 314 I believe." Thomas handed her the key. "Would that be all miss?" the woman looked off into the distance and smiled, "Yes bring up your finest wine and two glasses, if you would?"

"Yes of course madame. Will someone be joining you today?" the woman merely smirked and walked off. Thomas watched her enter the elevator, leaving his sight, and with a sudden realization he recognized her face. How could he not, it was all over Korea. She was Miss Annalise Kim, the mysterious beauty of Korea and the mistress of Joon Lee, the wealthy heir of his highly influential family.

He recalled Annalise's demands and quickly brought up a bottle of the best wine they had and two glasses. Thomas knocked on the door of the suite and heard a faint, "It's unlocked" from the other side. As he entered, he noticed Annalise's despondent state as she gestured to him to close the door. She had a loose cigarette in her mouth and was leaning against the railing of the outside balcony. Putting the cigarette out on one of the ash trays, she once again gestured for Thomas to come closer and told him to place the bottle and two glasses on the little table. There was a cool breeze in the night air and Thomas wondered if he should get Annalise something warm to wrap around her but dismissed it when Annalise rolled up her jeans and sat by the pool, that was also on the balcony, while dipping her feet into the water.

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