Chapter 8: Reflective Friends

Start from the beginning

(Steven) Thats smart but I highly doubt we'd encounter lasers.

(Greg) Well, we'll never know.

(Steven) That is true. I'll hold on to it.

(Greg) Okay. Hey, I gotta get back to washing this car before the owner gets real angry at me for leaving it and might drive off. Stay safe, Steven.

(Steven) I will.

He went over to the beach area while his father went back to his job. He sat in the sand and started looking into the mirror.

(Steven) Do you have any possibly of working? I just wanna know.

He couldn't believe he was talking to a mirror. Well, he did meet female rocks from outer space so talking to a mirror is not as crazy as meeting the gems. However, the mirror responded by showing a text saying "I can hear you"

(Steven) What the--

"I can see you."

(Steven) Who is this?

"I'm Lapis. Lapis Lazuli."

(Steven) Well, nice to meet you.

"What's your name?"

(Steven) My name is Steven. Steven Universe.

"Thats a nice name. Can you help me?"

(Steven) Uh, I don't know how since you're a mirror.

"I'm not a mirror"

(Steven) Yes you are. I'm holding you right now.

"No, I'm not!"

(Steven) Are you sure?

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm trapped inside the mirror"

(Steven) Why didn't you say something eariler? Like when Pearl was here?

"I don't trust the Crystal Gems. They won't help me. Are you a Crystal Gem?"

(Steven) I'm not sure. They don't seem to trust me. Not enough to officially become a Crystal Gem, but I'm not a gem to begin with so I guess not.

"That's good. Can you please help me? I'm all alone inside here. Please don't return me to them or throw me away."

Inside the house.

(Garnet) Somethings wrong.

(Amethyst) What do you mean?

(Pearl) Whats wrong?

(Garnet) Outside!

They ran for the door.

(Garnet) Where's Steven?

(Pearl) I don't know. Why?

Back to Steven.

(Steven) What should I do?

"Let me out"

(Steven) How?

"The gem behind the mirror. Thats my gem. Pull it out and I'll be released"

(Steven) Okay.

He grasped the gem and used all of his strength to pull on it to get it out. After he got it out, the mirror broke and the cracked gem lit up and formed into a person.

(Lapis) Th-thank you...

She struggled to get up but fell. Steven helped her up.

(Lapis) You actually talked to me! You helped me!

She stood up straight on her own.

(Lapis) It's Steven, right?

(Steven) Yes.

(Lapis) Are you a Crystal Gem?

(Steven) Technically speaking, I'm not an actual gem but I am affiliated with them.

(Lapis) But you set me free.

(Steven) What? What do you--

(Garnet) Steven!

Shouted Garnet and she had Pearl and Amethyst with her. They drew out their weapons. Steven got between them and Lapis.

(Steven) Put your weapons down, theres no need for them!

(Lapis) You... You three knew I was in there, and you didn't do anything.

She manipulated the ocean to create a giant ocean hand.

(Lapis) Did you even wonder who I uaed to be?!

She slammed the hand onto Garnet and the shockwave made Pearl and Amethyst moved away from Garnet.

(Steven) What are you doing?!

(Lapis) I'm Lapis Lazuli, and you can't keep me trapped here anymore! They're not gonna let us leave.

(Steven) Leave?

She created a path in the ocean for them to walk through.

(Lapis) Steven, come with me.

(Steven) Where?

(Lapis) Away from here.

(Steven) No.

(Lapis) What? Why?

Garnet broke free from the water hand.

(Lapis) Fine.

Garnet was rushing towards Lapis.

(Lapis) Don't trust them with your life, Steven. Goodbye.

She walked into the ocean and a wave crashed into Steven and Garnet, moving them away from the ocean.

(Pearl) Are you two alright?

(Steven) She was trapped inside that mirror and you didn't know about her?

(Pearl) No! If I'd known, I would gotten her out of there a long time ago.

(Garnet) Steven, what did she tell you?

(Steven) She told me she alone and that I shouldn't trust you three.

(Amethyst) Why would she say that? We didn't do anything to her.

(Garnet) She's probably mad that we didn't discover her sooner. Steven, whatever she said about us is not true.

(Steven) Are you sure?

(Garnet) Yes. We have nothing to hide.

(Amethyst) Yeah, we got no secrets.

(Pearl) Correct.

(Steven) I dunno who to believe right now.

(Garnet) Steven, she's from Homeworld. It makes sense why she doesn't want you to trust us since we're the rebellion.

(Pearl) Thats right. She was probably scared that we would shatter her.

(Steven) Were you?

(Pearl) No, we weren't.

(Steven) I guess thats good enough for me, I suppose. I'm going to lay down for a while. Try to clear my head.

He went back to the house.

End of Chapter 8

Steven Universe AU by: Samuel152Where stories live. Discover now