I would choose you

Start from the beginning

"Mister Yang, are you telling me that I should break up with Jennie?" Kai suddenly became frustrated.

I rolled my eyes.

"No, Kai, he means that they should announce it like that to the press, it's a fake break up but the media is still going to love the "tea" and Jennie Noona probably won't receive that much hate," I tried to explain.

"Exactly," Mr. Yang agreed but when he looked at me, his eyes suddenly became bigger - as if he was surprised to see me.

"Now that we finalised the details, do excuse me. I still have many places to be and many people to meet. But don't worry, everything is going to be just fine," he continued while standing up and leaving towards the hallway.

I walked behind him, to say goodbye in the name of us all, when he turned around and said:" I didn't expect you to be here Mr. Jeon Jungkook. I'm happy that you and Lisa are still together, just try not to get caught because you don't want to get into a mess like this."

"True, but I'm willing to do anything for Lisa," I said confidently.

"Anything? Well, those are big words for a young man like you. I hope you can stick up to them," he said and winked at me, turning around to leave but hesitated. "Can you tell me what is Jimin ssi doing here?" he asked, looking a bit dumbfounded. 

"To that Sir, I can't answer as I myself don't know," I answered truthfully.

He nodded, still looking a bit lost. He must have a lot of things on his mind now.

"Are you alright, baby?" I asked her although I knew that she would probably lie and say that she's fine.

"Mhm," she replied shortly, looking at the floor. We were alone in their dorm kitchen.

"Lisa, I know that you aren't, don't lie to me. It's stupid of me to even ask you something like that but I really want to know if you are feeling alright. I know you are sad, maybe even angry but...," I was saying when she caught me off by surprise and asked: " What would you do if this happened to us?"

I looked at her, only to spot how hot tears started to form in her eyes.

I closed the distance between us and pulled her into a tight hug. I knew that she was always afraid of someone (aka Dispatch or some other media outlet) finding out about us and revealing it to the world. We were both well aware what kind of hate that would bring, especially to her. I didn't know the point behind it but it seemed like a female idol was always the one who was "guilty". I mean why would anyone put a blame on someone for loving? We are idols, but we are humans first.

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