Sarawat combed a hand through his hair, swiping it backwards and then letting it slowly fall back into how it was previously styled on a middle part. He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. Tine was impossible.

"Fuck. Is this what you choose to focus on?" He murmured a little taken aback. He did not know that their charade at university had made such an impact on Tine. Why bring this all up today? It made no difference, really, as long as they were together now. "Through all these years you have been fucking blind to my flirting," Sarawat said and raised a tanned hand to tick off the list with his fingers, making Tine's round eyes grow big. "You don't listen to my songs dedicated to you and don't even watch my public confession for you. Am I really the one with secrets?"

How the hell would Tine understand anything if he refused to see all the obvious signs? Tine would not have all these foolish questions if he had actually sat his ass down and watched that fucking embarrassing press release. It was not like Sarawat was totally fine doing that kind of thing. Deep inside and out of the limelight he was still a shy human being. It had taken him this long to finally ask his crush to be his boyfriend, of course Sarawat would be reluctant to share his feelings with Tine the instant their worlds accidentally collided back in high school.

Tine stilled on the other side of the kitchen. Sarawat was actually making sense. A burning sensation prickled along his neck and cheeks, his fingers jerking on the water glass in his grasp.

Oh shit. He had fucked this one up, huh. Had he been far too self absorbed going into this?

"I should ask you instead," Sarawat finally retorted, sounding vexed and making Tine hunch in on himself, his proud shoulders rounded. "Why do you like me? Why now?" What has changed for Tine to finally view Sarawat as a possible love interest when that has never been an option before?

Tine gaped at Sarawat, his round mouth trying to form words. He dropped his hand from the glass, letting it thump against his thigh.

"I- I don't know," he whispered and lowered his gaze to stare at the swirls in the gray marble of the kitchen counter, feeling shellshocked. Indeed, why was he throwing himself headfirst into this so rapidly? Maybe he should cool down a little bit and just try to enjoy the moment. Sarawat just stared at his confused, fair skinned boyfriend across the room. What the fuck was there to be so confused about? He either liked, loved, whatever, Sarawat or not. Period.

"Fuck," Sarawat whispered and blinked rapidly, his long eyelashes flickered while he adverted his gaze and inhaled deeply. He had been soaring through bliss mere minutes ago from the claim he made on Tine but the tables had turned quickly, the man was suddenly slipping through his fingers. Again. Why did he love this annoying man so much?

Sarawat sauntered around the counter, stopping in front of his boyfriend. He cupped Tine's sharp jaw, tilting his head to face him. His dark eyes roamed over the pale features. Tine looked miserable, his lower lip wobbling and mouth a little bit square on the hiccup that he was trying to swallow down.

"What should I do with you?" Sarawat asked the air between them. He could not stand seeing Tine looking miserable and would probably do anything to make him cheerful again. "I saw you at a Scrubb concert in high school and haven't been able to get you off my mind since. There, happy?" He asked, eyebrows arched. His hands were still cradling the other man's small face.

"How did you find me at uni?" Tine mumbled, trying to avoid Sarawat' stare. He needed to get his panicky thoughts sorted. There was chaos inside his head, all emotions were running amok inside the Headquarters.

So Sarawat had liked him since then? What the hell have they been doing during all these years?

"I didn't," Sarawat replied simply, bring Tine back to the present. "You found me, demanding to be my boyfriend." A lush smirk pulled at Sarawat's lips as he saw Tine flush, two pink spots blossoming on his chiseled cheeks. Right. Tine was the one to pester Sarawat with his silly preposition, an idea put inside his head by his stupid friends.

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