Chapter 2

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The next morning...

Emma waited for her parents to arrive at the dock to bid her farewell one last time, as she waited she took in the smell of the salty ocean and she listened to the waves crash against the rocks and the dock. The morning sun warmed her pale skin with a slight breeze blowing her hair, she never felt more peaceful than standing by the docks or on her royal ships. She'd never been on a far journey out to sea, only a few trips around her kingdom's waters with her parents when she was younger and she always loved it.

"We should prepare to leave soon, your highness, the weather is in our favor this morning. We should take advantage." August said, interrupting her thoughts.

"Just a few more minutes, my parents will be here soon." Emma responded slightly anxious, not knowing what was keeping her parents.

August knew Emma well enough to see she was worried her parents were late, and they were never late. He knew there had to be a good reason as they were always there for their daughter, no matter the circumstance she always came first.

"I'm sure they will arrive any second now, princess." August said putting his hand on her shoulder to reassure her before heading onto the ship.

And just like clockwork, there was the King and Queen's royal carriage approaching the dock.

A smile quickly appeared on Emma's face.

"Sorry, we're late!" Snow said getting out of the carriage with her husband not far behind.

"It's quite alright." Emma said going to hug her mother, then her father.

"We brought you something, darling." Her father said with excitement.

"Oh really?" Emma responded confused as she had received all her birthday gifts the night before.

Her parents chuckled as Charming pulled out a small box and handed it to his beloved daughter. Emma opened the small box and inside it was a beautiful rose gold, pink and white diamond necklace. At the bottom of the necklace hung a diamond-covered swan. Emma took in the beauty of the necklace as it was simple yet elegant, it was the kind of jewelry she liked.

"Mother, father, it's absolutely gorgeous!" She said bringing her parents into a hug.

Snow chuckled as she hugged her daughter, "Do you know what a swan symbolizes?" Her mother asked, pulling away.

"I'm about to receive a lesson aren't I?" Emma responded knowing her parents meant well.

"The swan represents pure beauty and elegance, full of love and grace... Someone who is well rounded." Snow said to her daughter.

"Which is exactly what you are Emma. You have the purest heart and a love for everyone. We know when your time comes, you will be a great queen and this is a reminder to never forget where you come from." Charming said with so much pride in his voice.

She knew her parents loved her and believed in her. They were always so proud of her in anything she did. They were there every day to remind her of that and guide her through life. She was grateful for the necklace and her parents, now she had a reminder that she was loved and her parents would be there with her on her journey to guide her.

"I'll treasure it every day... " Emma said with watery eyes.

"It's time, sweetheart." Snow said, placing her hands on her daughter's face, pressing her lips to her daughter's forehead. "Remember, we're only a message away." She said referring to her iconic messenger birds.

    Emma laughed as her father pulled her close to his chest cradling her head as if she were still a baby. "I hope you find everything you're looking for, angel." Charming whispered in her ear as he knew this trip meant so much to his little girl.

After a final farewell, Emma boarded the ship, finding her place on the dock next to August as her crew members slowly pulled away from the docks. Her parents got back in their carriage and she watched the horses take them back to the castle.

    "Are you ready to head to Arendelle?" August asked.

Elsa was only a few years older than Emma and ran her kingdom well after the loss of her parents. She and Elsa often communicated when she came to visit Misthaven and they got along quite well. She was hopeful that her first stop would be amazing.

    "I am." Emma responded, taking one last look at her home fading in the distance.

Now the adventure begins. 

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Killian will come next chapter :)

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