Chapter 9

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Sofia's P.O.V.

My eyes were closed, but my soul wasn't. I slowly opened them, to find myself in a room. Clover and the birds were sleeping next to me on the bed. 

What happened?

Was this all a dream??

I tried to move, but my body was dead. I sighed. If this was all a dream, then why can't I move?! My thoughts were interrupted from a pink glowing light on my chest. It was my amulet! I couldn't tell what it was trying to say or do. I tried to ignore it until I heard some noise at the other side of my room. 

Is it trying to warn me...?

My question was answered when I saw a figure revealing as it got closer. "You!" I whispered-yelled. 

He took off his hoodie, and there he was: Prince Marcus of Eclipsa. "What do you want from me?" I said in a serious-ish voice. I couldn't move, but at least I could speak. 

"Listen, I'm here to do no harm, sis." He whispered. "Sis?! What do you mean by sis? You liked me and attempted to kill my boyfriend! You're not my brother!" I retorted. 

He sighed, "You don't know the truth do you? Not at least half of it??" "I have no idea what the heck you're talking about." I said sarcastically. "Just promise me you won't kill me, once I free you," I thought for a moment. Maybe I should hear him out? I mean Mom always told me to hear from both sides. 

Might as well do so.

"Fine, I won't kill you. But don't play tricks on me." He smiled, "Don't worry sis, you can count on your big brother!" "Big brother?! Since when? You're NOT my brother!" I yelled back. He sighed, "You'll figure it out soon. Anyways, for me to do the spell, you need to close your eyes, and stay calm. Got it?" I nodded. 

He then took out a light blue staff. It had and orb on top of it, glowing so bright. I closed my eyes, waiting for the magic to heal my body. He then started, 

"Angels in the air,

help me save the body of your heir! 

Let her soul feel the desire, 

of thee she should be saved from the evil fire,

Mother gave me the staff for a reason,

let the her light shine in every season!

Father, for you we miss,

save your daughter,

for she was a pure bliss!"

He then pointed the staff at me and magic started carrying my body. The wind howled, and spread across the room, messing my hair. Once my body was lifted, I slowly started feeling parts of it. Then came a realization that I could finally move! When the spell ended, I landed on the bed, with a little thud. 

"Thanks, I guess," I said as I got off. He bowed and walked up to me, "So no killing, right?" I sighed and nodded. "First tell me about this whole sibling relationship," 

He motioned me to sit on the bed, and I did. 

"Let me show it to you," He said as he took his staff out again. He then started floating in the air, correction: flying!

"You have angel wings?!" I was so surprised, "Yup, and I believe you have them too. Well in your real form." He said proudly. "So you really are my brother? My mom never told me I never had one," "You'll learn the truth from this spell. So pay attention." 

He then started mumbling some words, and then the entire room started to look different. We then saw a castle with a women, 3 young boys and a baby. 

"You're father is in war right now, and I'm afraid I have to join him..." The women trailed off, holding the baby tightly. "But, mommy we'll miss you!" The youngest boy said with tears in his eyes. 

I turned my eyes on Marcus confused, "That's me when I was younger, when Mom and Dad had to go to war." He said sadly. 

I turned back to the women, who was on her knees, hand on young Marcus's cheek, "Promise me you kids, will protect your sister Sofia?" 

My heart dropped when I heard 'Sofia'. Marcus was telling the truth this entire time. Tears were forming in my eyes. Marcus hugged me tightly, and I accepted it. Then, the tallest boy said, "We promise to the bottom of our heart, mother."

Marcus then began to sob in my arms when he heard the boy's voice. I didn't understand why though. "T-those two other b-boys were Keith and Lucas. T-they s-sacrificed themselves t-to save me from the evil w-women." He stuttered quietly. I began to sob as well. The only person I have left in my real family is Marcus. I didn't even met my real parents, not even oldest brothers! 

Then another women came and said, "Sister, we don't have much time. Give me my niece and I'll find her a home!" Mother nodded and gave me away. Before she left, she said something that brought me to my knees, "Sofia, my little baby. I'm sorry I won't see you any longer than this. Don't weep if you hear me. Be the sweetest, kindest, and toughest daughter I know. Save us from Thor..." She then sent my aunt and I into the skies, and the scene change to the village. 

"Wait, this is the village of Enchancia!" I said. Marcus nodded and pointed back at my aunt.

"I need to save our family, Sofia. Perhaps you should live here, sweety." She said her goodbyes, kept me on the ground, knocked on the door and flew away. Then the village door opened, and there was my mom, Miranda. 

The spell ended, and we were back in the castle room. I looked at my brother who still had tears in his eyes. I gently wiped them and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry I doubted you big brother," I said quietly. 

Not a princess...//Sofia the FirstWhere stories live. Discover now