Chapter 3

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Amber's P.O.V.

The next day at Royal Prep was pretty normal, we learned a few things with our Magic and lunch was pretty peaceful. 

When we arrived back home, we were greeted by mom. "Good to see you back!" She said and I smiled back. That's when a thought came to my head. I quickly gestured James to come up to me, without Sofia noticing. 

He came up to me and I whispered, "Can we talk in private please?" Mom nodded and the three of us headed inside. 

________10 minutes later________

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" Mom asked. We were all in our parents room, to discuss. 

James began, "I-it's about what happened yesterday, when the Kingdom of Welshire came." "Did something happened?" She asked concerned. 

I sighed,"It's about Sofia," I started telling her what happened, and how she was actually able to beat Hugo in sword play. I told her she find it really easy, and then she shrugged it off, when we questioned. 

"She's never like this before..." I trailed off. Mom looked down in thought. "And she didn't care that princesses couldn't do those things, even if she did win the flying derby race?" James and I nodded and she sighed. 

"Perhaps we should talk about this to your father as well. Maybe he'll know what to do." Just then there was a knock on the door, "Your majesties, are you coming for dinner?" Baileywick asked behind the door. Mom said yes, and we all headed to the dining hall. 

I just hope my sister is okay...

Sofia's P.O.V.

We were all told about dinner, and headed to the dining hall to eat. I was quite tired from school today, and decided I'll sleep early after. Dinner was pretty normal until this happened:

"Daddy?" "Yes Amber?" Dad looked pretty tired too, but still gave attention. She looked at me and then back at him, "Y-yesterday when the Welshire family came, something quite unusual happened..." She trailed off. 

"What happened?" I asked concerned, and she looked more nervous from me asking. Dad looked concerned as well, "Yes dear, what happened?" 

James sighed, and told everything about my behavior last night. I was actually not nervous on the inside, but I pretended to look a little on the outside. I didn't find this as a big deal, but I guess they did. 

"So, you know sword play huh?" Dad questioned, quite impressed at the same time. I nodded. 

Mom sighed, "But you know that princesses don't do sword play. You're a princess, and you already proved in flying derby. I'm sorry, but that's how much prince stuff you can do." 

I was quite upset and I couldn't hold my temper. Part of my life I was just a girl that was told I can't do this and that. When becoming a princess, it's highly nothing but fancy. 

"But what's the big deal? Why can't just do what I enjoy!" Everyone was shocked when I raised my voice, but I didn't care, tears began forming in my eyes. 

"There was always something that made you happy, and lucky you, you're prayers were answered! Why can't I have the same?!" Mom and Amber just looked down, hiding their faces. James just stood there processing my speech. Dad on the other hand, was a little mad. 

"Sofia, go to your room this instant. You can't just raise your voice like that!" He yelled, but I didn't flinch. "Fine, I'll go back, but just letting you know, I'm no longer going to be any of your advisor or helper for the rest of my life!!" 

Amber looked up, shocked. I ran to my room, locking it, and began releasing a waterfall. 

Few minutes later, Clover came out from his hiding spot, "Whoa, what happened?" I told him everything, and he nodded at every point. 

"Sorry Sof, I guess wrong timing?" He said lightening the mood. "Yeah, but what if they tell the school about, or worse, what if Hugo tells the whole school about this? I don't want my reputation of being a good friend to fall!"

 He patted my back, "It'll be okay, just get some rest and we'll start a brand new day of training!" I smiled, "Okay then. See you in the morning I guess," 

He nodded, and both of us soon drifted to a peaceful sleep. 

Not a princess...//Sofia the FirstWhere stories live. Discover now