Questions I Want to Ask in School but Can't

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There are a number of questions that seem innocent at first, but when they are given more thought, they seem...

Not okay to ask.

Also, there are some questions that are just embarrassing or confusing and dont ever get answered.

So here are some of those questions. This is your last warning.

(Please keep in mind that this chapter is for comedy purposes only)

1. Why do blind people walk their dogs so much?

2. If video games make kids more violent, why are they so easy to beat up?

3. Why can I see sounds and smell colors?

5. *sad music* Why did she leave?

6. What happened to number four?

7. (FMA:B Trigger Warning)
Why are they burying daddy if he has so much important work to do?

That was painful...


9. Why does Karen always want to see the manager? Am I not good enough for you, Karen? SQUARE UP RIGHT NOW I'LL KICK YOU A-

Me: *calls Domino's*
Domino's: Thanks for calling Domino's pizza in (non-descript location) how can I help you?
Me: Can I get the Bread Bowl?
Domino's: The Bread Bowl? Alright what would you like in that?
Me: Bread
Domino's: *hangs up*
Me: *calls back*
Domino's: Thanks for calling Domino's pizza in (non-descript location) how can I help you?
Me: Can I get an ETA on mah bread?

11. Why did Harambe have to die?

12. (Y'all know this one)
When Midgets smoke weed, do they get high, or medium?

Okay that's everything. I need help mentally lmao. BYEEEEEEEE

Okay that's

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