Poll Time!

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I'm also putting the poll here, cuz more people notice this book than people do my message board.


I'm starting an rp book cuz why not, and I want to know what rp y'all want me to do. So, yeah. VOTING TIME!

1. My Hero Academia
2. Demon Slayer (Kimetsu No Yaiba)
3. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
4. Fairy Tail
5. Naruto

Okay. So yeah. Now, you guys are probably wondering, why? Well, cuz I'm taking a break from large scale writing. Especially since I'm going to be making Roll the Dice one of my longer stories, as per request.

And since I'm not going to do anything too big for a while, and I love the Wattpad community too much to just up and disappear, then I'm doing this. So yeh. Hope y'all enjoy my roleplaying skills. YEET!

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