Chapter One

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Father stood beside me with his arms stiff at his sides. His eyebrows were impossibly straight, eyes made of rich mahogany and his pencil-moustache highlighted the frown placed upon his mouth and somehow made him seem more authoritative than his aura already suggested. Fear travelled through my veins but never made it to my face. I bit down on my lip hard enough to draw blood and I straightened my posture immediately, keeping in the sigh that desperately wanted to be released. 

Every so often, he would bring me to his workplace -- with demand of his co-workers, of course. If he had it his way, I wouldn't have ever even stepped foot inside the place. This was the kind of place for important people, people who were above the general public, those who had the thirst and hunger to do anything to get here.

And that wasn't me.

"Don't even think of saying anything stupid when we're inside, got it?" he hissed under his breath. Taking a quick look around to make sure no-one was listening; he lowered his voice even more.

"You know the consequences of what will happen if you do."

I waited for a moment before my voice came out in a breathless rasp, "Yes, Sir."

Without acknowledging me anymore, he pushed the door in front of us open. Like a flip had been switched, the irritated and cold expression vanished. A warm smile lit up his face as his co-workers all stood to greet him. I held back, standing by the door, waiting for father's instructions. My stomach churned at how easily he was able to change his emotions when only moment earlier he was glaring at me like he wished for me to be six feet under. My father was an enigma, but not in a good way. It terrified me just how convincingly he was able to act. Within seconds, we both looked like a normal father-son duo. It was so normal to me now that I didn't care. I had become numb to the everyday pain he brought.

"I see you brought your son with you today," one of father's friends commented and offered me a polite smile. I smiled back, although all I wished was to turn around and run out the door. I didn't belong here. These were the kinds of people who pushed others under the bus to reach the top, who were thirsty for power and recognition. They would do anything any everything to achieve their goals. It didn't matter if it was stranger or family standing in front of them.

"I told you, you should bring him around the office more often. He'll be taking over after you one day anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to get him used to the place."

No-one seemed to notice the way father's eyes flashed at the comment, but he laughed it off. Coming over, he laid a hand on my shoulder, pressing down hard. I had to hold back my wince and keep my shoulders upright. If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything or even make a sign that they knew. It was as though the only thing they knew how to do was smile. They played the game well with father and that was the only reason why they were successful.

"I keep telling him to show his face more, but you know teenagers," he forced a laugh, "All they want to do is stay at home."

Nods of agreement came in the room. No-one was going to disagree with the man that held their future in his hands. It was a sad reality to look at, and I dreaded the day I ever became one of them. They may have acted like friends, but inside, they were plotting ways to beat each other, to one-up the other. It made my stomach churn and I wondered if they had families too. If so, were they cruel like father was? Did they crush their confidence and will to live? Did they berate them until they couldn't even cry?

I gnawed on the inside of my cheek, feeling the bitter, metallic taste fill my mouth. The wound still hadn't healed from a few days ago, but I didn't seem to care as I bit down harder. It was the only way I could relieve the stress of the moment. Needles pricked my skin but I stood without moving a muscle, hoping to do anything to impress him. 

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