He slammed both of his hands onto the counter with full strength when he felt sudden anger rise inside of him. Dean turned to grab the doorknob and make his way back out. His eyes widened a little in shock when the bed was left empty, and the girl was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, he caught a shadow cast onto the floor from behind him. Wasting no time, he turned around to see Giselle was holding a silver knife in her hand. "What the fuck?" He exclaimed when she tried to stab him. He dodged her attack before he raised his hand in time to grab her wrist. "Is this how you are going to repay me for saving you?" He asked through his gritted teeth as he glared deadly at her. She didn't reply, yet she struggled in his grip and tried to slap him with her other hand.

Giselle felt nothing else, but scared. She woke up and found herself got kidnapped once again. Her phone and purse were gone. Her dying concerns towards Vincent's condition was killing her. She didn't even know if he was left alone dying in that cold parking lot or was saved by some kind person. When she found out that the man, who kidnapped her last time, had kidnapped her again, it drove her crazy even more. She was mad enough already when he chose to ignore her to help her friend, yet he still had the face to kidnap her.

All along, she thought that maybe there was a part of him, where a warm human heart resides. She told herself again this time, that she had been wrong all the time. She was too quick to judge and to believe in a person's mask. Everyone always wore a good mask while their true forms were all equally evil.

The palm of her hand landed on his face aggressively while she tried to force the knife into his direction. His grip tightened around her wrist. He bit his teeth in furious before he began to twist her wrist around caused her to yelp in pain. As soon as her grip on the knife loosened, the knife fell down to the floor immediately. Dean kicked it away and then yanked her aside by her arm aggressively.

Tears started to run down through her eyes, but Dean no longer cared about it. He grabbed her arm forcefully and then yelled at her in a dangerous voice, "Is this the reason why you came all the way to my casino?! Do you want to kill me that bad?!" He felt as if she betrayed him. At first, he was only going to hurt Richard Chu for hurting him, but all of that had disappeared. Even a girl, who he thought she was innocent, dared to wield a knife at him. This world was too cruel for him to even learn to trust someone.

Giselle sobbed harder when his grip was too painful around her arm. She found herself speechless and trembled when his voice echoed the room. Never ever had she ever felt so lost and confused. One part of her was worrying of her best friend while another part of her feared Dean. She thought she knew him, but it turned out that she didn't know anything about him at all.

Seeing her not reply back to his question, Dean assumed that it was true, which pissed him off even more. "Listen here," He said as he pulled her closer to grab her another arm. He tightened both of his grip around her small upper arms as the urge to squeeze her to death took over him. He looked her in the eyes with his piercing gazed, that was sharper than a knife, as he said in a cold-hearted sound, "If your father is going to play me dirty, by using his daughter like that... then please tell him that he is wrong."

After he said that, he raised one of his hand up to rip her shirt apart making the buttons scattered onto the marble floor.

Giselle screamed in shock and terrify. Her voice echoed the whole room before she tried to push him away. His hand didn't let her go. Glaring up at him with her teary eyes, she yelled, "Don't drag my father into this, you fucking bastard! I will fucking kill you!" She raised her hand up in the air and then slapped him in the face again for two times. Without hesitation, she tried to reach her hand out to pull his hair, but Dean leaned down quickly to throw her onto his shoulder.

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