Chapter Seventeen

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Kirishima opened the door and cocked his head to the side. "Bakugo?",
"I'm ranting.", Katsuki said pushing him self Inside the dorm.
"You can't just barge in! I mean. Not that I mind. I mean... you're not yelling.", he mumbled.
"I will be!",
Kirishima sighed. "Is this about Deku?.."
"Yes! Yes the fuck it is! What if we can't find him?! What- What if a villain found him and took him- What if the League if Villians found him?! What if he's hurt, or completely lost somewhere. Wha-",
"Bakugo!! Calm down! It's just a ca-",
"No! He's a Neko! He's the last of his kind! Anyone who has him would want to sell him! What if he's put in the black market again??". Katsuki stared.
"Again?..", Kirishima asked.
"Yes.. Dekus... Dekus actual name is Izuku, I just.. prefer Deku I guess and named him that.. just.. but he grew up in the black market.. and when I found him he was running away from his abusive owner.. I just thought maybe if I could keep him he'd be safe.. He's been through a lot.. and.. God damnit! I don't want to fucking lose him!", Katsuki looked down.
Kirishima sighed. "You'll be looking for him tomorrow... it'll be ok..",
"Ok? And what if his scent is gone?",
"Hound dog- Inui Ryō, he'll find him... he has the best sense of smell.. Everything will be fine.. ok?",
Katsuki nodded. "I want my Neko back.. ", he crossed his arms. "What if he ran away because of me? What if I scared him off? I've hurt him... I've hurt him before- I didn't mean to I just.. he gets annoying sometimes and the actions or words that slip out.. are wrong.",

Kirishima places a hand on his shoulder. "Go get some sleep ok? It's late. You'll get him back..",
Katsuki glances at his hand and glanced at Kirishima. "Mgh..",
"Ah-", Kirishima moved his hand quickly. "Don't yell at me.",
"I'm not. Thankyou... for fucking listening.",
"And here I thought I wouldnt hear a curse word from you tonight.", Kirishima teased.
"Shut the hell up.", Katsuki chuckled softly.
"Go to bed Bakubro. It's almost midnight.", and with that Katsuki left, and walked to his room.

After a few hours, Katsuki had finally fallen asleep after setting his alarm for 5 am.

Morning arose quickly and Katsuki prepared for his leave.

But back at the LoVs base, it seems everyone was awakened by Dekus piercing screams. Dabi sat up quickly to find Deku not within his cage. He stood quickly and ran to the basement door to find it lock. "Shigaraki!! What're you doing!!?", Dabi yelled as he was answer with another one of Deku screams. "Stop hurting him!!", Dabi yelled again. Again another scream. And another and another.
And many more came within.
And soon enough silence. Absolute silence.
Dabi stepped back as the door opened. He watched and Shigaraki had a large grin the plastered his face. Small shivering giggles coming from him. "How small. How fun. Here catch.", he then tossed the Neko like a doll to Dabi.

Dabi quickly caught him, the jacket he once wore was ruined, blood stains within. His skin tatter little areas incinerated, syringe holes poked into his skin, small knife cuts within his arms and legs. "When have you decided to torture?!", Dabi yelled.

"Nekos are rare. I was just playing with him. He'll wake up soon.",

Dabi growled and walked up to his room slamming the door closed he laid the Neko on his bed and walked to the bathroom grabbing wraps and walked back pulling the worn out hoodie off. "God damn that maniac.", he mumbled wrapping the Nekos arms and legs. His body tattered in incinerated marking from Shigarakis quirk. He wrapped his chest aswell.

Dabi walked to his closet and grabbed a shirt for him. "He has so many old scars on him... Damn..", he sighed and walked out slipping the shirt on him. "Tiny..", he mumbled pulling a blanket over him. "Fucking Shigaraki.. hasn't even been 24 hours and he decides to torture the damn thing...", he laid down looking at Deku. "God damnit...", he muttered, then sighed waiting for the Neko to wake again.

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