Chapter One

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The small neko trembled in the corner of the room as his owner slowly walked over with a belt in hand.
He snapped it as the neko jumped, frighten, he curled up and cried. Then finally-
The belt whipped and hit the nekos back making him whimper loudly. Then he whipped the belt again, and again, and again, beating the small neko, until the pain finally caught up to him and he fainted.
"Thats for trying to bolt the door again you worthless cat!", The man yelled and threw the belt on the floor and left the house.
The neko laid on the floor for about half and hour before he woke up again.
The neko stood slowly as his back ached immensely, he looked around then heard a car pull into to the drive way then ran into the kitchen and hid under the sink. As he slowly closed the cabinet, as the front door open, he whimpered quietly.
As the man entered the living room he had seen little Izuku missing. "Hey, Rat! Come out if you want to eat."
Izuku stayed where he was knowing that after he would eat he'd get beaten again. Little did Izuku know that the man, Tokoyoshii, knew exactly where he was.
Tokoyoshii sighed and walked to the kitchen. Izuku whimpered more trying to stay quiet. Tokoyoshii slowly open the cabinet. "If you dont want to listen you can stay in here and eat this for the next 3 days.", he threw a small can of wet food at the neko then slammed the small cabinet closed and locked it. Izuku trembled then looked at the can of wet food and frowned. He opened the small can, then turned into his cat form, that was, actually quite small. He ate about one-third of the can then laid down and closed his eyes. Soon morning came and the cat woke up again, and waited, and waited, and waited, for the day was completely uneventful. Then night came, and he ate another one-third of the can.
As Izuku was about to sleep there was a loud banging against the cabinet. "You still alive you nasty thing?!", Tokoyoshii yelled. Izuku didnt want to say anything so he just stayed in his cat form and meowed lightly. Just enough to be heard muffled.
"Good. I could sell you for a lot on the black market. But you need to stay alive. Just wait a little bit longer you filthy creature.", Tokoyoshii kicked the cabinet then walked away.
Izuku couldn't sleep after that, he stayed up, as the restless night passed. And morning came, Izuku shifted back to his normal form and looked at all the stuff, the cleaning supplies, sponges, and hidden alcohol bottles. He thought about what Tokoyoshii said the night before. He wanted him alive so maybe if Izuku killed himself, it'd be revenge on Tokoyoshii, but not only that, he'd be let out of hell. But he didnt really want to die...
Izuku Shifted back into his cat form and ate the rest of the cat food. His body didn't really like him eating after not eating for so long, his stomach kept trying to reject the food, he shifted back to his human form and gagged. It felt nice eating after awhile, but his body didnt like it as much as he did. Izuku tried to close his eyes in order to keep the food down, but it rejected and he gagged and coughed, and the food he had eaten in the past 2 day was for nothing, he complete vomited what was in his system.
The Nekos eyes watered up, and tears spilled from his eyes very slowly, he was so dehydrated he barely had any tears to spill.
The night passed and again he got no sleep. But once he was let out he would bolt towards the door again and in hope he'll be fast enough to escape. Izuku waited, and waited until it was night again. But the cabinet was still closed and locked, then finally that satisfying sound of the cabinet finally unlocked, and opened.
Izuku quickly shifted to his cat form and bolted out of the cabinet. "Damnit you disgrace!", Tokoyoshii yelled and stood running after the cat.
Izuku shifted back to his original form and tried to unlock the front door as fast as he could. When he did he swung the door open and ran out. Tokoyoshii ran after whilst taking his belt of getting ready to beat the neko as soon as he catches it. He finally found someone in the black market that would take neko for a decent price. He couldn't let his way of money get away.
Katsuki on the other hand was walking home from his training with All Might, and had seen a small figure running towards him, not being able to make out the figure he squinted his eyes a bit. It was almost eleven o'clock at night. It was too dark to really see anything
Izuku panted heavily trying to run faster, but his athletic ability failed him, he was way to unhealthy to be running. He then, collapsed right in front of Katsuki. The ash blond boy stepped back. All he could really make out was a child, but when he squatted down and turned the boy over, he realized it was a neko. He was kind of amazed, Nekos were so rare, and one happened to be right infront of him, until the large man came running, and snapping his belt. "Finally you gave up you worthless brat! I need your worthless ass, you're my money maker. Now dont run away again. Im sure you dont want another beating", Little did Tokoyoshii know that there was a pro hero in training standing right in front of him. "Its illegal to abuse Nekos. I hope you know that.", Katsuki said whilst picking up the small unconscious neko in his arms. Tokoyoshii stepped back defensively. "Put him down. He's my cat.",
"First your name.", Katsuki growled.
"Tokoyoshii Ursalah. Now give me my cat!", Tokoyoshii yelled, but how could he be so dumb to give out is name like that.
"Ahh thankyou for generously giving me your name. Ill be sure to report you the police.", Katsuki ignored the demand. "Besides how could you be so fucking dumb to give me your name. Is that how you got someone to buy him on the black market, your dumbass is probably on someone's hit list now.", Katsuki continued.
Tokoyoshii dropped his belt and started walking towards Katsuki. "Give me the cat.",
Katsuki held his hand out to the stranger in prepare to blast him. "Step closer and you wont have a fucking face bitch.", Katsuki let his hand glow and let small spark fly from his hand as a warning.
"Wow so scary.", the man rolled his eyes. But at that moment he went flying backwards.
Katsuki had let out a large blast towards the guy.
"Ahgg!!", Tokoyoshii yelled in pain as his clothes burned and tore, and his skin was left with painful burn marks. "You piece of shit! You'll pay!", Tokoyoshii trembled as he got up and ran off fearing the young blond in front of him.
Katsuki sighed and looked at the neko, he was wearing extremely dirty and baggy clothes, he smelled like dirt and trash. His face was bruised and covered in dirt, his arms were covered in dirt as well, his hair was a mess and dirtied as well. And he was covered in dried blood.
Katsuki frowned. "What a nuisance...", He mumbled as he started walking home, and soon enough he entered the house. "I'm home!", he yelled throwing his bag on the floor and holding the small dirtied neko close.
Mitsuki then walked out of the kitchen "Welcome ba- What the hell are you holding?! Is that a child!?",
"Shut up you old hag!!", Katsuki yelled.
"m-mhhg..", Izuku groaned and moved slightly.
As Izuku slowly started to wake, Katsuki and Mitsuki continued to argue.
Izuku slowly looked up at the person holding him, his eyes widened, he freaked out and quickly pushed away, his back hit the floor with a small thud and yelped then whimpered, Katsuki attention was immediately draw away from his mother and right to the Neko, "Shit!", Katsuki squatted down to help the neko and he quickly backed away whimpering, he then got up and ran to a corner trembling.
"Explain Katsuki!", Mitsuki yelled.
He groaned and stood up. "On my way back from training, this neko passed out in front of me while he was running from his abusive owner. Im going to report him tomorrow after training."
"Neko?", Mitsuki asked.
Kastuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah are you fucking blind you damned hag? He clearly has cat ears and a tail.",
She glared.
"You brought home one of the rarest species?", She asked again.
"Oh my god! Yes I did!! Get over it you old hag!!", He yelled then slowly walked over to the corner the small Neko had ran and hid to.
The Neko watched him and tucked his head down whimpering softly. "Ungh...", the Neko started to cry, well for what tears that were left.
Katsuki kneeled down to him. "Don't be scared.. I won't hurt you...", Katsuki spoke actually quite softly to the terrified Neko.
But Izuku simply shook his head. Katsuki sighed and sat on the floor.
"Look at me..", Katsuki spoke softly.
Mitsuki watched as her son, actually was nice, and calm for once.
The Neko gently glanced at the ash blond man that sat in front of him.
"Good, I won't hurt you, I promise, whether it's physically or mentally", Katsuki said.
"Mhh....?", Izuku hummed.
"I promise. Do you know what that means?", Katsuki asked. And Izuku softly nodded.
"Ok then, how about I get you a bath. Look at all this dirt", Katsuki said.
Izuku tilted his head to the side confused, "A-Ah...?",
"Oh come one, don't tell me you don't know what a bath is.", Katsuki teased. But Izuku shook his head.
"Oh- Hag!",
"I'm going to bathe him.",
Mitsuki made no sound.
"I'm listening twerp.",
Katsuki 'tched', then looked back at the small Neko.
Katsuki shook his head then slowly picked up the small Neko.
"A-ack! O-ouch! N-no!", Izuku whimpered and whined pushing away from him while Katsuki tried picked him up.
Katsuki put him down quickly and stepped back. "Fuck..",
Izuku fell in the ground and sat there and cried softly, but no tears shed from his tired eyes.
Katsuki lightly grabbed his hand. "Stand up for me..", Izuku nodded and stood slowly crying softly.
"Good now follow me..", Katsuki walked a little hunched so he could keep a light grip onto the Nekos hand, but it was more of Izuku holding his hand.
Izuku held onto Katsuki's pointer finger as they walked to the bathroom.
Izuku pulled into his finger some and Katsuki looked at him. "Hm?",
Katsuki nodded. "I already said I did. I don't like repeating myself.",
Izuku gasped and looked down nodding.
They entered the bathroom and Katsuki lightly picked him up and placed him on the counter. "Do you know your age?", Katsuki asked as he started a bath on lukewarm.
"Mhm.. I'm.. y-you'll laugh", Izuku muttered knowing that his behavior and actions weren't appropriate for his age.
"Tell me.", Katsuki accidentally said a bit sternly.
Izuku jumped and moved away, "I-I'm f-fifteen...", he mumbled and started to tremble again.
"Shit..", Katsuki stood and looked back at him. "I didn't mean to sound so stern",
Izuku nodded and looked down shaking.
"Well why don't we get these dirtied clothes off of you ok?", But Izuku shook his head and wrapped his arms around himself, knowing that his body was something to be ashamed of.
"Well in order to take a bath, you should be nude. Would you rather bath yourself, you can barely stand on your own.", Katsuki tried to reason. But Izuku shook his head again. And Katsuki sighed and walked over. "Just take it off", Katsuki started to pull the oversized shirt off of him. "Se-", Katsuki's eyes widened, you could see every bone on the kid, bruises and welts covered every inch on the kids body, there were scars and scratches, dirt and dried blood all over.
Katsuki took a step back as Izuku covered himself. "N-no... st-stay away..", Izuku whined
Katsuki yelled, "Mom!!", Izuku flinched and Mitsuki walked upstairs. "What's the occasion? You actually called me mom.", Mitsuki laughed then looked at Izuku. "Shit.. Katsuki leave the bathroom, I'll deal with him...",
Katsuki nodded and left, surprised that such person could be treated in such a way.
Mitsuki closed the door. "D-Don't hurt me...", Izuku whined.
"I won't, I won't.", Mitsuki reassured.
"Promise...?", Izuku said.
Mitsuki smiled softly, "yes, I promise.",
Izuku whined and yelped in pain as Mitsuki picks him up and places him in the bath tub.
"Oh hun... I'm sorry... Did your owner ever feed you?", Izuku shook his head. "Only sometimes... but h-he gave me.. cat food...",
"That's not very healthy for you Nekos Huh?",
Izuku shook his head.
"So your age?",
"I-I'm... f-fifteen..",
"Why don't you bathe yourself then..?", Mitsuki asked very confused.
"Because I've never been inside I bath before, a-and the... K-Katsuki?... he said that he'd help..",
Izuku frowned.
"How did you first end up with your owner?", Mitsuki lightly washed the dirt and dried blood off of his body, while trying to understand why the Neko acts the way he does.
"Well I re-remember being in a dark area for a long t-time, I was in a c-cage, then I w-was sold... and I-I ended up with T-Tokoyoshii... he.. hurt me a lot... if I didn't listen... or if I made th-the smallest m-mistake... h-he would barely feed me.. he said that.. uhm.. b-bad cats don't get food... s-so I understood... sometimes he w-would video himself hurting m—",
"Hun, Pause.", Mitsuki interrupted completely angered by ones actions.
"D-did I say something wr-wrong?... I'm sorry...", Izuku looked down and closed his eyes tight ready for some type of punishment.
Mitsuki looked at him and stood, Izuku flinched and tucked his head further down.
Mitsuki left, "Katsuki please take over..", she didn't want to say something that would scare the Neko.
But little did Izuku know, that Katsuki was sitting by the door, listening. He was upset about it. Angry, very angry.
"Let's finish up ok", Katsuki said.
Izuku looked up confused, "no punishment..?",
"What?!", Katsuki was absolutely surprised. "Why in the hell would we punish you?!",
Izuku flinched. "I-I think I made h-her mad... usually I get punishment for making someone mad...",
"No, you won't get punishment, and you didn't make her mad..",
"Oh...", Izuku sighed in relief.
Katsuki sat on the floor. And drained the dirtied water then turned on the shower head. He pulled it off and washed Izukus hair gently as Izukus ears drooped and his hair fell in his face, "Ugh..", The Neko groaned.
But once all the dirt had been washed out, a lovely green color came out.
Katsuki then washed his back and face. "There.", He turned the shower off and left to get a towel.
"You're short, do you know your height?",
Izuku shook his head.
"You look about 4' something. Have you seen any other Nekos?",
Izuku nodded as Katsuki wrapped a towel around him.
"Do you know what happened to them?",
Izuku nodded again but slowly.
"What happened?", Katsuki asked as he looked at Izuku.
"They died.. the people said they were ugly, and disgraceful because no one would buy them, so they shot them and killed them...", Izuku explained.
"Oh... ok then..",
"Yeah... I was shot.. but I didn't die.", The Neko smiled.
"And since I didn't die, they kept me until someone bought me... but... that wasn't very fun..", His smile turned into a frown very quickly.
"You're with me now.. leave the past behind, ok?", Katsuki reassured him. And Izuku nodded and grabbed Katsuki's finger. "I-it's cold... a-and... I'm.. dizzy..",
"Ah-", Katsuki picked him up and walked to his room. "Just wait a minute..",
Katsuki places him on the bed and looked in his closet to find nothing that could fit him. So he just grabs one of his hoodies and removed the towel from Izuku. And slid the hoodie on and over Izukus head.
"Ahh... t-tankyou...", Izuku mumbled and drooped.

Katsuki picked him up gently and walked to the kitchen and got him a glass of water. "Drink.", He handed Izuku the cup and he took it. He drank it a bit quickly. "Ahhh m-more... please..",
"Of course.", Katsuki placed him on the counter and filled that cup again and handed it to him as he drank it again. Then Izuku filled it up himself and drank more. "Mhhh..", he panted lightly.
"Don't drink to much, you'll get yourself sick...",
"O-ok", Izuku placed the cup down and pushes him self off the counter, "Ugh..!",
"Careful! It's midnight. I have to wake up early for school. So let's get you to bed.", Katsuki groaned watching the Neko.
Izuku nodded a bit confused. He didn't know what school was. But and he just shuffled to the staircase and slowly limped up the stairs to Katsuki's room while Katsuki followed behind watching with a soft gaze.
Katsuki closed his door and when he turned around he saw the Neko laying on the floor, curled up.
"What are you doing?",
"H-Huh?... m-my owner said that cats are meant to sleep on the floor...",
"No.", Katsuki picked him up and placed him on the bed.
"Really what?", Katsuki grumbled.
"I can sleep on the bed??", The Neko smiled.
"Yeah.", Katsuki changed into pajamas and laid in bed. "Hey, Neko, what's your name?",
Katsuki closed his eyes. "Sleep Izuku.", he groaned.
"Yes sir...", Izuku moved to the end of the bed and curled up.
And he finally fell asleep peacefully.
And Katsuki knew tomorrow would be hell. Because he went to bed so late. And so that is that last type of training he'll do with all might. Because going to bed at Midnight is not worth it.

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