Explanation for Chapter Lalisa (1st Book)

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Hello again, since my life turned upside down when my dad passed away on December 7, 2019.. I stop for a while from doing things I love including Wattpad. I am officially an orphan that day, lol. Nevermind, everything happen for a reason right? I might find the happiness I deserve one day.. For now, I will uploads 3 explanation for 3 chapters of Book 1.

Remember chapter "Lalisa"?

My explanation, isn't really an explanation..

What if I tell you, Lisa can see other things that we can't? What if Lisa can make contact with them? It is not impossible if she was chosen to be the special one.

What if I tell you, Rosé knows a lot more than we do? Whether I give you the good Rosé, or the evil Rosé, who's the real one? Is Rosé even real in first place?

One thing for sure, the truth will uncover by you.

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