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Rosé suddenly woke up after her phone is ringing. She grabbed her phone under the pillow. A private number is calling her.


No one reply..

"Hello? Who is this?"

Still no reply..

She pressed the red button and continued to sleep but later, her phone rings again.

She heard someone is crying. Sounds like a girl.

"Help me..", a shaking voice asked for help.

"Help what? May I know who is this?", Rosé asked.

"Help me!! They have been tortured me!!", the voice even more shaking and frightening.

"If this some kind of morning joke then it's not funny at all!"

"They coming, they coming!! Please.. I'm begging you.. Help me.."

"Who are they? Who are you?"

Tut tutt... the call ended.

Rosé just stared at her phone. What the hell just happened?

Park Chaeyoung 2 : A Mystery To SolveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant