Billy grabs the keys from Natalies hands and they get into the car.

Police- looks like they were just here don't worry ms we are trying our best to find your daughter and we will find her !

Katie- I'm just so worried about her she's only 11 out with a 13 year old !

Police- mamm we are trying to get this situation under control but-

Billy- where is my daughter and step son ?!

Police- you'll need to step back sir

Billy- not until you tell me where my kids are !
Natalie - please I'm worried about my son ! I need him home.

Katie- and I need my daughter home but she isn't here is she ?!

Billy- she is my daughter too so stop yelling.!

Katie- stop yelling ?! You are the one that freaking started this !

Annie- mom , dad and Natalie just calm down!

Billy- you don't know what it feels like!
Annie- actually she is my sister too so I do know how it feels !

Billy- don't talk back!

Police- stop this right now ! I understand everyone here is upset but you need to calm down !

Katie- I cant stay calm I don't know what to do anymore-..

Katie cries as Annie holds her hand.

Hayley- julian where are we going I'm tired I think this was a mistake..
Julian- seriously ? Why are you having second thoughts? I thought you wanted this! It's the only way we could be together!
Hayley- we are so young .. and maybe us being step siblings was a better choice !
Julian- I cant believe your actually saying this.
Hayley- I'm sorry okay ! But this whole situation is too much I'm gonna be in so much trouble when we get found!
Julian- too late to regret anything now look.

Julian points to police officers with flashlights walking towards them.

Julian- Hayley we need to run now !
Hayley- just to get in more trouble ? No thanks you go ahead you won't get far.

Hayley puts her arms up as the police walk up to her Julian does the same.

Katie- omgg my baby !!

Hayley- mommy.!

Hayley runs into Katie's arms and gives her a hug.

Billy- Hayley ! I'm so glad your okay

Hayley- are you ?

Hayley begins to cry.

Billy- of course I am sweetheart!

Annie runs to Hayley and gives her a hug.

Hayley- but you don't even care about my feelings dad.. you knew I had a crush on him and just avoided it.

Billy- sweetly your so young I didn't think it was serious you have your whole life to find a new crush.

Hayley has tears falling down her cheeks as she gives her dad a hug.

Natalie - julian thank goodness why would you run away ?!
Julian- I guess we just wanted to be heard ..

Julian stares at Hayley and says sorry. Hayley says the same.

Billy- thank goodness you guys are okay.

Annie- I love you hay don't ever run away again!

Annie smiles and stares at Johnny. Johnny then grabs Annie's hand.

Billy- so you are her boyfriend ?
Johnny- yes sir you know me already I believe it's John-
Billy- don't worry I trust you you seem very respectful and responsible. Just don't break her heart.

Billy pats Johnny on the shoulder.

Annie smiles and hugs Johnny laughing.

Hayden- they found her!
Kenzie- omg that's good news ! What about the boy ?
Hayden- they found him too!
Kenzie- now we can plan on our announcement.
Hayden- well we haven't exactly made things official yet..
Kenzie- I know but once the world knows it's going to happen.

Kenzie and Hayden stare at each other seriously and Hayden reaches out to hold Kenzie hand.

To be continued !!!!!!

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