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"i loved you so
much that i forgot
what hating myself
felt like."

third person pov.

Back at the guild, the raven-haired sat quietly at the same spot— his fingertips digging into his dark locks. Agh, i'm such an idiot. He scolded himself, heaving a deep sigh of frustration. "What's wrong Gray? You seem agitated." The ice mage luged his head up, greeted by the sight of the white haired barmaid— Mirajane. She offered him her usual bright smile, her hands occupied with two empty mugs.

Gray gulped, lightly shaking his head. "Nothing. I'm fine." He mumbled, though the female barmaids eyebrow rose up in curiosity. "Well, you came in quite early here with Juvia. What was that all about?" Mirajane teased, urging on her usual routine as a barmaid— though sneaking a glance at the ice mage whom slightly winced at the mentioned name.

Well well. The white haired nudged a sly grin, noticing his all of a sudden unusual, puzzled expression. "Mentioning Juvia, isn't she so adorable?" Mirajane peeped, a giggle slipping past her lips afterwards. Gray had stayed silent, his sweaty hands settled against his lap— just the sound of her name made his heart race. No. He couldn't soften up now, not when he had asked her to leave him alone. Plus, it wasn't like of him to be soft. He still needed to think.

"Don't be so sour Gray. Isn't it nice to have someone special to you?" The barmaid stirred up, making her way towards the shelves of alcohol behind the counter— wedging a bottle in the storage. "I- I— don't know what you're talking about." The noirenette protested, glancing away off to a wall. "Well, as i've observed— I don't see you looking at other girls the way you look at Juvia." She teased, lightly shrugging her shoulders— her statement completely shutting him up.

Was I really that obvious? "What's stopping you Gray? She obviously cares about you." Mirajane added, her blue orbs drifting away— her lips forming to a smile as she waved at her siblings from a far. "It's not like she'll reject you." Well, of course she wouldn't. Juvia was bold about how she felt for him— almost everyone knew about her undying love for the ice mage.

"It's not as easy as you think." He blurted from under his breath, sighing. It bothered him— that he began feeling so comfortable around the water mage. The comfort she brought him was on a different level— and he liked the way she made him feel. It was dangerous. "It's hard because you're making it hard for yourself. There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish from time to time." Mirajane added, raising an eyebrow with a playful grin.

The noirenette glanced up toward the older mage, an awkward feeling settling in his gut. "Don't let your own feelings scare you Gray." Mirajane advised, her expression flattening— a tingle running against Gray's skin. "It may not seem like it, but she won't wait for you forever. You could lose her in different ways, so give her a chance." The barmaid concluded, her face beaming as she shortly bid him an excuse— the white haired being called off by her sibling.

Gray stayed still and quiet, Mirajane's words clearly paralyzing him. She won't wait forever. The barmaid was right— Gray hadn't really thought about in that way. Her affections had became tolerable and expected— to the point where he would sometimes slightly miss her when she was off at a mission. He especially hadn't thought about what he would do if she finally gave up and showered someone else with the affection she gave to him.

The ice mage rolled his eyes, situating his palm on his forehead with a gulp. But then again, Juvia wouldn't just— easily replace him. Especially with Lyon. Would she? Gray inaudibly groaned, running his palms on his face in irritation of his own thoughts. Hell. I've really gone mad now. The white haired observed him have his crisis of thoughts, lightly shrugging her shoulders with an awkward smile.

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