The Forbidden Tale

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Wake up. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

That's all they had been seem to doing and it was driving a certain Pandya mad.

They were stuck in quarantine and Harry being the hyperactive person he is was badly missing the outdoors.

He was so derived of the outdoors that he has even started a tally. A tally counting the days.

"I'm boredd!" Harry whined to Krunal for the 100th time that hour.

"For god sake Harry, leave me alone!" Krunal snapped unlikely for him.

Sulking, Harry walked away and slumped onto the bed.

He was so bored he started scrolling through his emails. He had scrolled a the way back to 2014 when a particular one caught his eye.

He opened it and started howling in a very Jaddu like manner.

It was an email that Jassi had once sent to him because his mother had taken his phone away.

At the age of 21 Jassi had his phone taken away from him.

Jassi still refuses to tell him what had happened that day no matter how hard he pushed.

He suddenly remembered his best friend. He missed him so much.

The whole time he was injured he had Jassi by his side most of the time.

Unknown to the world, the two of them went to physio appointments together and had practically been inseparable.

Harry missed that so bad.

And on impulse, Harry called video Jassi right away.

After two rings Jassi picked up.

"HEEEELLLLLLOOOOOOOO!" Harry screamed being himself.

"Gosh Harry spare my ears," Jassi said  wincing.

"I'm boreeeddd!" Hardik whined like a child.

"What do you want me to do about that?" Jassi said and then sighed seeing Harry sulk. "I am too,"

"You know Jassi I was going through my emails and-" Hardik started and was cut off midway.

"How jobless are you!" Jassi cried letting out a laughter.

"Well I found an email that you sent me once a upon a time!" Harry continued in a cheerful manner making Jassi roll his eyes.

"And what did it say?" Jassi asked knowing that Hardik wasn't going to let him go until he finishes his story.

"You had your phone taken away once , so you emailed me to not send 'weird' memes." Hardik exclaimed laughing a very Jaddu like laugh.

"My memes are hilarious I don't why you didn't think so," he said suddenly feeling very defensive of his precious memes.

"Harry nobody finds them funny," Jassi said in a matter of fact tone trying to divert the topic.

That was one embarrassing time.

"Well Jaddu does," Hardik said defensively.

"Yeah yeah," Jassi said. "How's your cooking going by the way." He continued in all attempts to divert the topic.

And yes Harry had taken up cooking during quarantine.

"It's going well! I learnt how to make an omelette today." Harry chirped cheerfully.

"Wow Hardik," Jassi said struggling to hold a laugh back.

"Yeah but nobody ate it," Harry said and that lead to Jassi bursting out into a laughter.

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