Chapter twenty one

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Silence struck upon me and Red again.

I don't know why I over think so much. There's so many questions I want to ask though, I don't want to offend him.

The question I especially want an answer to is: why hasn't he killed me yet?

It's kind of a cruel question to ask so, I don't want to ask. I'm afraid of the actual answer.

The important question I want though: is why?! Why is he putting up with me?! Why is he around me when I'm hurt? Why in the world would he care anyway?!

Does he even want to be my friend?

Now that's a question I'm also afraid of.

    We seemed to go over at the other side of the base or whatever. He pushed though the door that said "exist" on it.

    Once the door cracked open, a cool breeze hit me along with a sent of fresh air. And honestly, I could smell rain...

Outside, finally.

The whole area seemed empty. No one was anywhere. It's like this place just, died.

The trees in the background went back and forth with the slight wind. The clouds were grey and blocked out the sun.

There were three vehicles parked outside with the red army logo. Well, I assume since that logo is everywhere outside.

There were also flags that had the same symbol. Banners and such.

There were still security around. They were staying I guess.

    All and all, the fresh air was all I cared about.

"Finally! Fresh air!" I said, smiling.

I didn't even care if the clouds were grey.

"Red leader, sir!" Two other people called out. Well, more specifically to Red. Two women in uniform came over. They saluted at him and stood on their' feet with their backs' straight. "Ready to be escorted?" One of the women asked.

"At ease, girls." Red said. Their' hands dropped down to their normal position and stood in their comfortable way of standing. "Unfortunately, I will be driving myself today." He declared.

The two women looked at each other with confusion.

One of them had white hair with a black streak going down her bangs. Really short hair and had a heart locket on. She didn't look as threatening or serious. In fact, it was clear that she was tired and lazy or just looked like she was in her late twenties. Her name tag said: Addie.

Now the other lady. Her hair was black and she wore it up in a bun with little specks of hair poking out from the back of her head and some baby hairs lightly dangling on her forehead. Her right eyebrow is sliced, a scar going down to her eye. Speaking of her eye, it was very pale and grey, meaning that she was blind in that eye. Her other eye was dark and held seriousness in it. Her name tag said: Emily.

You could tell just by looking at them that they were complete opposites.

"But sir, you know that driving yourself is risky." Addie said. It wasn't concern going though her voice, she was warning him. "You never know if someone may be following you."

"She's right," Emily said. "For once." She whispered. "Someone, the enemy, or even your biggest enemy might be following you." Emily warned. She didn't sound concern either. Though, I know it's their' jobs to warn him and protect him since they were security.

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