Chapter three

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Breakfast was shit.

Oatmeal and toast yet another Apple  with water. I only ate the toast and having some sips from water, dumping the oatmeal and throwing away the Apple across the room.

The man who brought the food delivered it with the food cart and left without a word. I sat on my bed again, crosslegged.

I looked down at my naked arms, staring at the mess I made yesterday. I have this strange desire to leave more marks on it again, but there's nothing to do it with.

Some people were still crying and shouting in the back ground. I ignored it as best as I could. I don't want to hear other people's pain.

Let us out, they shouted. But nothing help. I assume others had given up. Meaning they know something will happen Afterwards.

The whole place was still dim lighted.

Last night was a complete nightmare as well. When I assume ten o'clock passes by, the whole room would go out of light. We all had to sleep in darkness.

It was really unpleasant too. People were crying to hard last night, even other people shout at the crying people to shut up and that they were trying to sleep.

Since my cell was the first one, I noticed the doors opening again. Someone walked in, making everyone silent.

"Why hello." They said. It was the same man from last night. "Was your first night okay? I really hope so." He said. Still, I find myself admiring his accent then noticing he was just being sarcastic. "Well,  I'm not hear to see if you are okay, I'm here to pick a lucky winner to leave for a short period of time." He said. He clapped his robotic hand and his real hand together. "Who will it be you may ask? I don't know, but I'm taking time on my pick." He said.

He glanced at my cell, making me feel nervous. Then he walked further in the room, walking the halls as he looked threw almost every cell door.

He had already past my cell. Since I was first cell, he probably wanted to look at others then picking the very first one he sees.

At lease that's what I think.

I heard some people saying not to pick them, which they didn't get picked.

"I already made my pick. Along time ago." He said, almost like it amused him to who it was. I could only hear his voice, but I couldn't see him.

I just kept my head down, acting like I don't care.

Still, I was scared shitless.

I heard footsteps coming closer up the hall were I was.

They came closer.

No, come on? It has to be someone near me.

They kept coming closer and closer.

Maybe a person two cells away...?

They were so close.

The person next to me...?

They footsteps didn't stop.

Am I gonna die here after all?

"Why hello. Y/n wasn't it?" His voice boomed threw my cell, making my blood run cold. My heart dropped.

There's no way.

I looked up slowly to see he was standing in front of my cell doors. He had a smirk on he leaned against the cell door, placing his hand on the door.

"It's rude not to answer others you know?" He said. I just looked at him, acting like I was so broken to even care. Well, I was.

My eyes had bags under them, my hair was a mess, my skin was pale and my clothes were dirty. I practically looked homeless actually.

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