Chapter ten

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They threw back in my room.

It was painful watching all those people watching me, disappointed in me silently.

I was laying on my clothes that were somehow on the floor. when I said they threw me in, they literally threw me. I got up, still in the darkness of the room.

I walked to my bed, feeling underlay stupid. I felt like garbage.

Who were those people in the halls?

Were they help?

They said they'll come back bigger.

Is someone saving us?

I sat atop of my bed, crying.

Most likely he won't come to see me again, but that's a good thing right?

I don't need to see him anymore.

I'm safe in this room.

Just sit here alone.

No interruption.

"Wait for help." I said out loud.



The lights turned on, making me squint at it.

A person walked in, a rather tall and slim man. He had a bag with him, and he only greeted me with a smile. "Hi, I'm only here to get you cleaned up." Is all he said.

I lifted both legs up on my bed, bringing them up to my chest. I only looked up at him as he typed in some cope or password to open the glass.

He walked up to me, making me move back to protect myself. He sighed, seeming annoyed by my movement. "Don't worry, I'm just cleaning you up." Is all he said, walking up to me.

I stayed still, eyeing him. "Clean what...?" I managed to let out.  He pointed at my arm with his eyes, making me realize what I did when I was in the infirmary. "Oh..."

I held my arm out, letting him look at it. He sat atop of my bed, putting the bag down next to his feet. He opened it, pulling out a pair of gloves.

He held my arm gently, picking at it a little. "Well it's obviously not infected, blood stop coming out, pale, and..." he trailed off. "Drink more water." Is all he said.

He brought the bag up to the bed, taking a few things out. Bandages, some whips, and watery stuff. "This is gonna hurt a little..." he said, wetting the whips with the liquid.

He placed it on my arm, making me clutch my fist on my knee. I let out a hiss. "Sorry." He said.

He cleaned up my scars, then rapping it with bandages. He let go of my arm, letting me free. I poked my arm, feeling the soreness hit me finally. "Oh and one last thing," he said. I looked at him, waiting for something else to happen. He pulled something small and red.

"A sucker...?" I questioned.

"Yeah. There's not that many in the base anymore. So, I kinda just stole this in red leaders office." He said, giving me a smile.

I was confused. Why was he being so nice to me?

I took the sucker, holding it in my rapped hand. "Thanks..?" I said, whether or not I was actually thankful.

When I looked back at him, he had his own. "No problem." He took off the rubber gloves, then opening his candy. He sat there for a while, then leaning back looking calm as ever.

I admired the colour and calmness of his eyes. He also looked really tired. "So... are you gonna leave?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"There is literally no such thing in breaks around here. So no, not really." He said, not even looking at me.
"Un-like my partner. He's still sleeping right now." He said.

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