Draco didn't know how to respond, it's not like he was lying about the old Headmaster being at his house; he was just bluffing about where he got his knowledge from. "It was just a flying visit."

"To you?" Hermione disputed, her eyebrows rather raised on her face. Draco had to confess, that was rather a terrible tale, why would Dumbledore appear to the man that had been trying to get him killed?

"I was crying." Draco lied, he didn't really know where he was going with it anymore. He felt his palms get moist. "Maybe he sensed I wasn't completely devoted to Voldemort, took an opportunity. Now, if you'll forgive me..."

Draco left the tent and walked; still in the confines of the wards. He came to a tree, sitting down against it. He brought his hands up to his face, and without warning, he started to cry. So no one in the world trusted him? He was truly alone, or so he thought...arms came around him, pulling him into a tight hug.


Hermione winced slightly as Ron's radio came to life, she glanced his way to see he had laid his head to the table as he listened. She didn't get how he listened to the machine, it was starting to wear out from how much it was being operated. The voice was coming out in a distorted hodgepodge of noise.

"Today's dead." The reporter spoke, his voice was full of anguish. Hermione could only imagine how brave the man must be to report all of these deaths, surely the Death Eaters would be after him. "Charlie Hippogriff, Imelda Staunton, Thomas McCroy..."

"Do you really have to listen to that every day?" Hermione questioned, though she knew better too. She had just reached the end of her chain. Ron looked up at her, but his eyes held none of the hostility she expected them to. Instead, his hands came up and simply turned the radio off.

"I'm sorry." The ginger muttered, darting downward to his feet. He glanced at the seat that Harry had just been sitting in before he had followed Malfoy outside. He breathed, with a shrug. "I find it a relief, not hearing my family's name. I'm sure it sets you two on edge."

"Three..." Hermione muttered, eyes falling closed. Why was Ron so opposing to Malfoys presence; she didn't get an acknowledgement. She got it, he had spent so much time making Ron feel insignificant; talking about his mother and wealth. "But yeah, it does set me on edge. I'm terrified I'm going to hear the name of my loved ones, even if that is unlikely."

"Just a bit unlikely," Ron muttered, standing and taking a couple of steps towards Hermione. He took her into an embrace, which she willingly fell into. Her arms came up around her friend, face resting into his neck. "I keep overlooking how hard this must be for you, at least my family will remember me if I die."

Hermione just nodded, tears growing in her eyes. That had been thought of hers lately, who would grieve for her if she lost her life? Would her parents ever get their memories back? She was sure Harry and Ron may try to find them, break the news, but what if they died too?

"I just feel low," Hermione confessed, letting her eyes fall shut. She listened to Ron's heartbeat, allowing it to lul her to calmness. Something about the man had always made her feel safe, even when he was being intolerable. "I knew this could take months but I expected to have at least two Horcrux's destroyed by now."

"Same," Ron muttered, burying his nose into the top of her head now. She smelt slightly of lavender, the strong scent making Ron's stomach flip. His heartbeat increased rapidly, a passion in his loins forming. "But we are all in this together. I love you, we all love each other. We will all get through this."


Draco pulled away finally, peering up at the brunette. Harry looked back at him, questioning in his eyes. Why had the blonde had such an emotional reaction to being examined, surely he had anticipated them not to be somewhat sceptical along the way? Also, why did the man's tears seem to kindle a pang of guilt in his abdomen? The small pout on his lips brought dangerous thoughts to Harry's mind. The pout was almost...sexy? Harry sighed, it hadn't been the first unseemly thought he had had about the boy since washing his body in the lake.

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