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The army of people reached a small settlement. A compound of what looks to be a small community. It lived just outside of town and it had torches rather than electric lights. There were wooden pillars that kept the wooden structure balanced.

Clementine looked to her left, Sophie turning her head to look at Clem as well. Clem's hardened look motivating the redhead as she looked towards the blonde now. Violet kept a hardened look too. Just behind Clementine she felt a tap on the shoulder.

"This is crazy. I'm not sure about this anymore." Brody said frightfully. Clementine turning to face her friend and noticed the fear constricting the Auburn haired girl.

"B, look at me." Brody looked at the brunette and breathed heavily. Clementine then began to do breathing exercises. Making Brody do it with her. Brody's breathing slowed and she eased up a little bit.

"Thanks." She said, "I needed that."

Clementine looked ahead of her to the front where Javi stood. She then passed in front of people and reached the grown man and tapped his side. Gaining the attention of the man as she spoke.

"We should split into three groups. One should stay back here. That should be David because God knows how much I don't trust that sonuvabitch. One should go to the east hallway entrance, I say that would be you and me. Kate can go patrol and slowly lead her team around the campsite. And if anything goes wrong, she can lead her team inside for extra arms." Clementine said, Javi nodding in approval.

"That's a great idea. I'm gonna go over it with Kate and David." Clementine nodded and began to crouch walk back. "Clem?" Javi called back.

"David's changed a lot after you left. He's not the same man you remember him to be. I guess what I'm saying is... Try and give him a chance." Javi told her, Clementine thinking. Not giving herself the chance to answer, she left the man to go back to her friends.

Once she was with them she turned to face them and cleared her throat. "Violet I want you and Sophie to go with Kate and her group as they move out. Brody, can you stay here with David and his people? I'm going with Javi and to go inside."

"What? No way, I'm coming with you." Violet whisper shouted.

"This is not negotiable. If anything happens in there, you won't be too far out. I promise I'll be okay." Clementine said and Violet stopped talking. Clementine took her hand and looked straight into her eyes.

"Hey, I'll be okay. You don't have to worry." She told her and Violet nodded with understanding. Clementine smiled and kissed her cheek.

Clem backed up and looked at Brody, she looked calmer than before. "You'll be okay out here?"

"Yeah, I think so." She answered. "Be careful in there Clem." Clem nodded to her and backed away.

She then joined Javi in the front and tapped him on the shoulder, giving her position to him. She looked back at her friends who have joined their individual groups as well.

"You ready?" Javi asked, which grabbed the brunette's attention as she faced the man.

"Yeah, let's do this," Clementine said and they were off. Heading east so that they can go in. It wasn't completely lit up in this area. That must be what Minerva meant.

Clementine nudged Javier who looked at the pointed out area. He nodded agreeing to the terms and they approached it. The entrance had already been wide open, which was quite strange. But they entered diligently.

The dark corridor only lit by the night sky which was only enough to see the walls. Not enough to make out the posters hanging on the walls. Dark enough to even keep their fingers invisible to the naked eye.

Forever and Always (violetine AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant