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Clementine slowly walked along the trail back to her apartments. She was unable to take her mind off of her new girlfriend. She never knew that coming to this small town would lead to her finding love, and then she met Violet.

She made it to the building as she fantasized more about the blonde. But once she had gotten to the door to her room, there were two people waiting for her.

"What do you guys want?" She said mellow. Watching the two look at each other before greeting the brunette.

"Hey Clem." Javi started, "just wanted to let you know that we have a nice understanding of Deltas whereabouts."

"Really?" Clem said surprised. "That's great! Come on in. We can discuss this inside."

She led Javi and Kate inside and sat them on the couch. She then looked at each of them and smiled.

"So." She started, "where is this base?"

"Over in the woods on the east side." Kate said. "They were spotted on some loading docks by the river. They have a dangerous base though. It looks like they have patrol units all around, but Minerva was right. David told me that Minnie said there was a gap. I checked it out, she told the truth." Kate told Clementine.

"Now those fuckers will pay for killing my nephew." Javier said, his voice cracking as a noise can be heard behind him.

"Clem?" The small voice croaked as Javi moved his head aside to clear a view to AJ. He had woken up from all the chatter. "What are they doing here?" He asked.

"AJ, you should go back to sleep." Clem ordered, yawning in the process.

"Maybe you should go to sleep. Sorry to come uninvited and all but we had to make sure you were still going to fight alongside us." Javi said.

"Of course. I just have one thing to tell you guys." Clem said, luring their attention.

"What is it?" Kate asked.

"Its about Lily. I know you said to kill her, but we can't." Clementine told them, gaining some heinous looks.

"And why exactly is that?" Kate asked.

"She's not as bad as you think. She doesn't want to hurt anybody anymore." She explained to them, their relentless stares doubting her words.

"Yeah, and I'm the president of the fucking United States." Javi said.

"There is no way that is the truth." Kate denied.

"It is, I swear." Clem tries reassuring. "I've been... watching her, she's been doing some good deeds and has regret on her previous actions."

"It doesn't excuse her of her crimes." Kate mentioned.

"You guys have committed many crimes too. The only difference is she's changing herself, you guys have stayed the same."clementine said bleakly.

"No matter what, Lily is still dangerous. She must die for her sins." Kate said more menacing.

"No!" Clem yelled. "You don't touch her. If someone had to die, it will be me before you ever get to her, you hear me. So you better have a good way to get me out of the way." Clementine lectured, getting up in her face. They both glared daggers at each other for minutes before Javi cleared his throat.

"Don't worry, Clem. We won't hurt Lily, if that's what you really want." He said, giving his genuine smile that he must have perfected.

"Thank you. It feels good coming from you. Just make sure your psychotic girlfriend doesn't aim her sights on Lily. Because if I find out that anyone from The Frontier killed her, I'm killing both of you." Clementine said, stepping back and feeling free of her space.

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