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"When can I come back?... I really miss you dad." AJ said and Clementine jolts up and rushes to AJ's side. Grabbing the phone roughly before placing the phone to her ear.

"Dad?!" She asked surprisingly.

"Hey, sweetpea." Came the old raspy voice that was of her dad's. Clem almost felt tears coming out but contained herself.

"I thought... I...I..." Clem tried to say, but couldnt with all of the emotions she was coming down with.

"Its okay. I'm sorry that it scared you." Lee told her, sounding a little sad on his side too. "Shit, I missed you, girl."

"I... I missed you too, Lee." Clementine told him but couldnt hold her tears back any longer. "Are you home? When can I meet you? Where are you?"

"Hey, Clem. Calm down, slow down. I'm not at our house. I'm in a motel. Im not sure how I got here or where I'm at, but whatever is happening, you can't come to see me." Lee informed the brunette.

"Why not?" Clem asked, Lee hesitant to answer her question before feeling the cold metal on the back of his head. Looking at the man who motioned for him to speak, most likely to lie to his daughter.

"Things, uhhh... might not go as smoothly around here." Lee said flinching at the sudden click of the gun. Closing his eyes fearfully, waiting to be put out.

"To tell you the truth. It doesn't look good over here either. I feel like it's not safe for AJ to be here. At least for a little while, can I at least drop him off with you?"

"Oh, you know I would love that, but... like I said, I have no idea where I'm at." Lee told her and felt the barrel of the gun lifting away from his head, easing him up just a little bit.

"Okay, Lee. Thank you for calling, it really means a lot to AJ and me." Clem told him, feeling a weight being lifted from her shoulders.

"Okay sweet pea, I love you."

"Love you, Lee"

"Can I say bye?" The small voice of AJ could be heard in the background.

The phone was quiet for a minute and there was some movement noises like it was being passed down on the other end.

"Bye dad!"AJ said, making Lee feel hurt to end the chat so soon.

"Bye, kiddo. Watch Clem for me, okay?" Lee told him causing the boy to giggle a little.

"Okay dad. I love you."

"I love you too, bye bye." Just then the phone call was ended by the woman. She was new. Red hair, olive green eyes, maybe in her late twenties. As for the man with the gun, that is the person who shoved him down this rabbit hole that he can't get out of. And he's tried, it never ends well.

"C'mon man. You you think we wouldn't come for you or sum'? Cause if I didn't have orders, I'd pop you right now." Mike said angrily, pointing his gun carelessly at Lee. Making the man be weary of the situation.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for upsetting you man. Just put the gun down." Lee said careful not to sound aggressive and get his head blown off.

"Mike, ease up. He hasn't done anything yet." The woman told him.

"That's just it, Bonnie. Yet! He hasn't done nothing, yet! I reckon he is trying to figure out a way to take both of us down and run away again." Mike said, looking at the redhead, Bonnie.

"Oh, Mike. Always so delusional. Let him relax, we still need to bring him back alive you know." Bonnie told him, making the dark man put his gun away and stare at Lee intensely.

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