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Violet woke up, feeling terrible like every other morning. She wasn't a morning person, but that's what caffeine was for. Looking to her bedside, she found a completely empty space.

"Clem?" She called, looking around her slightly large room. Feeling that same feeling she gets when she's alone. It wasn't loneliness, there was more to it. But she couldn't think about it, Louis always told her, the past will only drag you down if you let it. Don't. Look forward instead of back and you'll go far.

It was a smart thing for such a doofus to say. The blonde lied there on her bed. Thinking about what her future lies for her. And since today would be her day off of work, she'd start planning the day out.

Pulling on some nice winter clothes on, figuring it'd be chilly. And brushing her teeth real quick, Violet made her way down the steps. If she hadn't planned on going out for the day, she'd be glad to go up one floor to use the water slide. But she did, so she was stuck walking down two fleet of stairs.

Making her way down, Violet caught everyone at the table. Most of them. She watched as they played Uno, and from the looks of it, Ruby was winning.

"Good morning Viiii!" Louis yelled out, much to the blonde's annoyance. She wasn't in the mood to listen to his voice this early. Sure it was only ten o' clock but that was early for the girl. She looked at the small group at the table and shot a question.

"Marlon leave already?" She asked, sounding saddened at the fact that he left, her not being able to say one last goodbye.

"Yeah." Louis sighed, placing his playing cards on the table and crossing his arms. "I'm gonna miss him. He's my best friend, ya know?" He said, reminiscing his childhood with the blonde.

"Hey! I thought I was your best friend!" Violet said, taking a slight offense to his sentence. Not that she was mad, but she did find it difficult to pass that she came in second.

"No, yeah. Of course you are. I just, come on Vi. You are my closest friend." He said, stuttering at his words.

"Don't hurt yourself apologizing. It's cool." Violet said, looking at all the people playing the Uno game. Another person in the group seemed to be missing. She looked around questionably before placing her blank face on her friends.

"Where's Clem?" She asked, a confused frown took place on the dreaded boy as he shrugged his shoulders at the girl.

"I thought she was still in bed with you." He said, catching the redheads attention as she placed her cards down on the table. Looking back and forth at her two friends.

"You slept with Clementine!" Ruby assumed, looking at the blonde with wide eyes. Smiling from ear to ear as she stared at Violet. Taking the blonde aback at the sudden assumption. Her tongue tied as she searched for an answer.

"Well yes. But not like that!" She said rapidly. Trying to keep any thoughts from going through the redhead's mind.

"What isn't like what?" A voice came from the stairs, sounding hoarse and tired. Clementine walking down the stairs slowly with her index fingers massaging at her temples. Catching Violets tongue.

"Nothing. Just wandering where you were, that's all." Violet says, Louis trying to speak up before she stomped on his foot. Louis yelping in pain. Looking at the blonde who shot daggers at the boy.

Clementine, however, was in no mood for these games. All she can think about is her painful headache. Sitting down with the others on the table sloppily as she closed her eyes, rubbing her temples harder to shake away the migraine. A tap on her shoulder had the brunette to look up. A yellow pill bottle with Advil inside. Louis looking down at the poor girl with a bad hangover.

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