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"Okay," Clem said from behind the dressing stall. Louis waiting for the reveal. The sound of a zipper being pulled softly and slowly on the other side as sounds of struggle is heard. "Hold on."

Louis sits on the little bench just outside of the stalls. Waiting for his friend to come out to reveal her dress she had grabbed and ran into the dressing room. He also carried with him some nice casual clothes that he thought would look nice on her.

He scanned the ghostly store around him. Only seeing as one woman with a child by her side shopped around the almost vacant store. He was surprised it was open today. He was more surprised no-one was shopping, it getting closer to Christmas and growing nearer.

"Alright, finally got it. I'm coming out." Clem said again from the stalls and exited from the door. She wore a long velvet dress with flower designs lining the silk cloth. "How do i look?" Louis looked down and up at the girl in front of him and shook his head mildly, much to the displeasure of the brunette.

"What? I thought the dress was nice!" She wined, looking over her dress and frowning at the dark boy. Giving a stink eye as he settled on her amber eyes to speak.

"It is a nice dress, don't get me wrong. It just... it's not your style, you know." He told her, a grumpy face playing on the brunette. She pursed her lips in rebuttal and looked at the clothes in the hands of her friend. Grabbing them gently, giving Louis a soft smile before changing out of her dress and into the new, nice, more casual clothing.

She finished faster this time and unlocked her stall door. The print changing from 'occupied' to 'vacant' before the door was opened and out came Clementine.

She wore a purple skirt with a black, casual T-shirt that dotted itself with stars. The stars arranged itself to form the words: "black for mystery, stars for beauty." Louis looks at the brunette and smiles at the attire. Nodding in agreement as Clem raises an eyebrow.

"Really? You think this looks good? I liked the other one better." She asks as Louis nods again.

"I'll tell you what, Clemster. I can buy you both outfits. Whatever you'd like to wear for tomorrow, you can choose out of your wardrobe." He answers, grabbing the dress out of her hands.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can just take this if you like it better than the dress." She asks, her answer being proved by the motioning to change back into her normal clothes. The jeans and white shirt with a skull on it and a jean jacket.

She changed back into her clothes and handed the new set into Louis's hands. The boy taking their findings and paying for them at the cash register. Putting the clothes he found and the dress Clem picked into the plastic bag and handed it to the short girl.

They walked to Louis's car and drove home. Clementine wasn't sure which outfit looked better. As soon as Louis dropped off Clem at the apartments, she ran into her room and tried both of her outfits again. Asking for a second person's opinion.

"I like the star shirt." AJ addresses as Clem walked out with the dress on, which was a hassle to put on in the first place. "I don't like the dress."

"That's what Louis said," Clem stated as she took the dress off and put on some pajamas to get comfortable in. Sitting down next to AJ at the couch where he drew on the floor.

"Clem?" AJ looked up with a sad expression. "When can I go home? I miss dad." He said, choking on the last sentence. Clem frowned at the boy's innocence. Tears forming in her eyes as she reached down and scooped the heavy boy onto the couch. Looking at his glassy coffee brown eyes.

"It won't be for a while. Dad is uhm... he's not home yet. So you're going to have to stick with me for a while, okay." She said soothingly. Disappointed in herself for not telling the truth to the boy. But she wasn't going to pile a problem into the kid's life.

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