🎭(Un)Wanted Guests🎭

Start from the beginning

Anika and Mallika eye him, standing on each of his side.

Om: Okay okay... I was just joking.

Rudra: Karan, Meet my girlfriend, Bhavya.

Bhavya: Hi

Karan: Hey 😅 (he says a bit ackwardly looking towards others since he was specifically being introduced to)

Mallika: (sensing his doubt) We know her already

Karan: Oh! My bad 😬

Anika: Did you order anything yet?

Bhavya: No, we were waiting for you guys.

Anika: Great! So I'll just go and freshen up and you guy's order. Mallika knows what to order for me.

Mallika: By heart 😏

Anika leaves while everyone else gets busy checking out the menus and deciding their orders.

Anika POV: I come back from the washroom and head towards our table. On my way, I find something unusual with the table, I mean our crowd, but I can't exactly figure out what.
Oh ya! There's an extra feminine head at our table. I can only see her back. She's wearing a dark peach coloured shirt. (A/n: I am bad with describing colours. Sorry 😋) I wonder who this uninvited guest is. As I come closer, I face straight towards the stranger and am surprised to find freaking Amaira sitting there!

(A/N: Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! 😂 You just got yourself some additions who Anika seems to be very fond of 😜. Note the sarcasm.)

Anika: What the -
"Food!", Om exclaims, coming from behind, grabbing everyone's attention, and almost shoving Anika's face with the tray before placing it on the table.

Om: Oops! Sorry!! 😅

Amaira: Oh hey Anika!

Anika: Hey! (She says with a small forced smile)

Anika eyes Mallika who responds with a 'no clue' look, worriedly. Anika narrows her eyes, to which Mallika mouths a Sorry, hoping her angry friend would spare her dear life.
Anika, then narrows her eyes towards Om for an answer, with an irritated look on her face.
Boy! She looks so pissed, that someone might mistake her for a ticking bomb.

Om: I didn't mess up you're order, I swear!

She inhales deeply, making an unsuccessful attempt to calm her rage, and grabs his arm pulling him aside.

Om: Hey! That hurts!

Anika: What the hell is she doing here? (Anika asks in a hushed tone, gritting her teeth; Pointing At Amaira)

Om: What do you mean? She accompanied Shivay obviously.

Anika: Who invited them?!

Om: Me and Rudra. duh!

Anika: But, why didn't you tell me earlier.

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