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Once my mother is escorted away and the crowd finally disperses. All I could think of is Ella and what her crime meant for my whole family. My family's name will be tarnish and worse my father could lose his position as the leader of Weston. All these thoughts keeps running through my head making me miss Sarah running up to me.

"Andy" she hollers making me jump. Turning around I was happy that someone takes my mind away from Ella. 

"Sarah what is it."

"Something is wrong with Laura. Alek threatened her" Sarah replies pulling me over to Laura who looks shaken.

"Laura, tell us what happened" Rachel insists rubbing Laura's shoulder as the smaller girl looked ready to fall apart.

Tears in her eyes she chokes out "He says to enjoy the boy King's affection because soon you will be mine." Feeling a shiver go over me something about these words were ominous and troubling. It's as  if my body was foreshadowing something terrible is going to occur.

"I am going to kill him."  Rachel shrieks balling up her fist looking ready to fight. I scan the crowd for signs of Alek just in case Rachel flies off the handle. 

"He's gone, he left when the men were occupied," Laura informs us guessing my thoughts. At that the tension I felt washes away. Something about that man makes me apprehensive. Its like there's more to his motivation to be here than Laura.

"Laura, we should tell King Louis. He will order Alek out of Weston" Sarah suggested. I nod at the plan already in motion to go to the king, but Laura blocks me.

"Stop,"  she says rubbing her eyes. "I just want to forget about it." Looking at each of us she gives a pleading stare. "It might be nothing and we're probably overreacting. Louis is already dealing with a lot without us adding our paranoia." I shake my head in disagreement thinking we should tell him anyway but Laura might have a point. Alek was probably bluffing trying to scare Laura. And the King does have  more pressing problems including my mother and the Walkers to deal with.

"Fine but if he tries anything.  I'm going to bury him"  Rachel warns looking at the men returning to us. Releasing a breath, Laura mouths the words thank you.

 "I cannot believe you showed that woman mercy." King Louis exclaims when he comes over to Laura.

"She is only staying at her home until the festival is over not getting a pardon."  Laura argues before glaring at Louis. "And what did you mean about making me your wife?" Louis to his credit didn't shrink away  meeting her stare. 

"I know nothing's wrong with your hearing so exactly what I said"  he asserts.

" I don't even like you why pick me." Laura complains ignoring all the shock she was getting by defying the King of Perta.

"Shame" the King of Perta challenges with a laugh. "You have until the festival's last day to get to know your future husband." Laura true to her nature stays calm at his remark. 

Putting on a forced smile Laura relents accepting her fate. "Well I cannot deny a claim because of the festival rules." And with that Louis pulls out a ruby ring with  the royal crest engraved in it. Putting it on Laura did something that surprised everyone present. "Hey, Rachel is this ring ugly?" She yells out lifting her finger to showoff the ring. 

Laughter filled the group as Louis rolls his eyes like it didn't faze him. "It is very pretty, I have good taste."

"I 'm blind and no offense I'd rather have my friend's opinion." Laura responds looking at Rachel for her answer. "Rachel, tell me the truth is this thing hideous.  I cannot wear something  ugly for the rest of my life." She rants in a serious voice making Louis scowl at her comments.

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