Rachel's Problems

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The last two months went by quickly living with Grandma and I'm at my happiest.  I'm away from Mel and Ella's attitude which is the biggest change in my life.. And since the little fiasco at my old home, Sarah moved in with Grandma as well.

 She seems less scared and smiles easier after leaving her father. And that new fancy piece of jewelry on her left hand didn't hurt one bit. A sparkling diamond cut ring in an oval shape with a gold finish was every girl's dream ring.

Sarah fainted when she saw the ring. It took Mark and I to revive her, and Sarah yelled yes to the proposal. I feel my eyes water, it was such a mushy moment I still want to cry. And that wasn't the only thing that changed over the last couple of months.  Jacob and I have been spending our time together, and its been lovely. He's funny and has a dry sense of humor that only few could get. And he used it well, especially on Matthew when he came up to us one day.

That day I was assigned by father to be in charge of the food for the festival. My fabulous fiancé insisted it would be funny to take my notepad.  He held it above my head until I agree to kiss him. I wanted to kick him in the shins but decided to give in.  

 I kissed him on the cheek, but Jacob wasn't having that. As soon as I was close enough he swooped me into his arms and brought me into a toe-curling kiss. I admit I probably would have seen Matthew walk up if I wasn't too occupied.

"Andy, what the hell?" Matthew bellowed causing everyone to turn toward us and for Jacob and me to pull away from each other. Marching up to us Matthew looked downright pissed staring at Jacob and me.

"Who is this Andy, why are you kissing him?"

Before I could speak, Jacob decides to meet Matthew half way with a smirk. "I am King Jacob of Polla, and as for why I am kissing her, why not?" The challenge in his voice was clear. The people watching stood shocked and quiet, none more than Matthew.

Gone was his bravado and now his face looked scared. "She is my fiancée, your Majesty" he muttered so quietly I almost missed it, but the crowd before him gasped. 

"I don't believe you about the engagement.  Andy would have told me of a marriage contract" Jacob alleges lifting an eyebrow. When Matthew looks down refusing to answer, he began to smile. "No contract then and I have already spoken to Andrew Miller. He informed me there was never such an agreement."

"It was in discussion."  Matthew barked fuming now that Jacob has successfully destroyed his claim. .

"I heard her father turned down the proposal, how is that in discussion?"  Jacob asked giving that cocky smirk that I hated when I first met him. I had to admit it was lovely when someone else was on the other side of it. Matthew faltered and  Jacob continues.. "You loss. Get over it and leave my fiancée alone. And next time try having a tantrum with someone of your own age group." Looking around Jacob points to a young boy who couldn't be more than five digging in his nose. "He seems more your speed but when he learns to read. You might want to try a baby." Seeing the remark hit home. Jacob escorted me away from the drama with a grin.

After that day when I ran into Matthew, he shies away from me like I have a disease. Which is funny and rather enjoyable now that I don't have to deal with him again. Now its the day of the festival we all decided to meet at the Riverside Inn.

The inn is a three-story Victorian with white trim, brown brick and ivy vines with pink lilies hanging around the windows. It's a picturesque place and the owner, Mrs. Seymour, made the inn  into a success. The sixty-year-old woman would scrub someone's feet and likely chew their food for them.  Anything it took  for  guests to have an enjoyable experience at her place. Walking in I see my friends sitting at a table in the corner. Waving, I go upstairs where  Jacob's room is located on the second floor. Climbing the stairs, I straighten the new dress that Grandma bought for me. It's green an excellent choice to highlight my red hair and it squeezed my waist showing  off my shape. My bust is accented with a green topaz necklace my Grandma gave me. The stares I got on the street were pleasant, but I wonder what my betrothed would think.

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