May the 4th be with you!

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What's up my dudes!

So this announcement today is an update on what's going on currently in terms of me publishing. Just keep reading as I get into the specifics.

Can you see my updating?

As of right now before I update Vengeance I want to go through and update all my previous stories. But I have been doing this for like the past four or five days, yet I am unsure if anyone is getting the updates. If it's not too much trouble can anyone let me know if you have been able to see that I have been editing my chapters...

Story changes

The main reason for my announcement today is to let you guys know that as I edit my recent stories I will be adding a few small things that might be brought up in the next book, so I was going to list them now because I know nobody has the time to reread my tragic tale.

Something small that I added to start is that Amara's daughter's name is now Illa I am currently going through and changing this.


Amara is the main character and I have tried to make her as original as possible, but as I write more I feel angry as I forget to add or expand on certain things. One thing to expand on greatly is her mental health. Amara has been through a lot so in the previous books and the future book I will be adding more info on Amara's health.

She had been tortured, beaten, and worked till she can no longer stand. She was present when a lot of people died in her life, including her own daughter so I think it's important to explain that she is not the same woman she was in Reunited. She is angrier and when she becomes upset, she completely breaks. I really want to expand on this so I will try my best.

Dialogue changes

I will also be adding more dialogue to my stories and try to add in the needed emotion that should have been felt before. Some chapters I literally wrote.

"Blah blah blah..."


That is trash, it is bland and I won't stand for it anymore. What emotion was behind these lines. That ... did nothing. As I've gotten older, (literally I'm 19, what am I saying) detail and emotion has become very important, it always was but I wasn't good at expressing it in my writing. I've gotten a lot better and I'm ready to go out with a bang for the next book.

This is especially certain for dialogue between Amara and Boba Fett. I understand not everyone is cool with the romance, but even if Boba is a ruthless bounty hunter, he is with Amara and he takes care of her when she can no longer think clearly. When she's slipping into this dark place, he is there to pull her out. It not only needs to be felt but it needs to be expressed in the writing.

Also there will probably be more random changes in third person, this might change again though...I find it easier to express the maximum emotion when I am able to tell the emotions of everyone in the room. Everyone might not want that but I really want to do as best as I can to help you guys feel like you are watching the movie, and Amara is there, everything you read is there.


Okay I think that's it! Oh I will also probably update the covers. Depends on if I can make some quality ones (lol no) but yeah. I really appreciate you guys reading all of this. If you have any questions please let me know, and any other changes I make, I will immediately let you know. I will try to update next week if I can get everything updated in time! Please just give me time. I have to update my previous books first!

Thanks guys, and May the force be with you😭

Thanks guys, and May the force be with you😭

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*runs away*

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