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This is the newest announcement 4-27-20

Hello everyone I hope you are all doing well! I know it has been a very long time since I updated and I owe you an explanation, especially since I didn't go on hiatus or anything...

Really there is nothing to it lol. When I first began the Star Wars series I was in my 3rd year of high School and after four books later I am in my second year of college. Crazy I know (such a youngin) anyways as time went by, my work load also changed and I could barely keep up with everything.

I have always loved Star Wars and I do plan on finishing it. All the comments, with love and support (as well as listing my many...many mistakes wait wha-) for my story has been very sweet, and I appreciate you all very dearly.

When I first began the series I was hoping to get through the new Star Wars saga as well, but I don't know about that anymore.

The way it looks I will go through and maybe (probably) edit:
(Nothing crazy)

I will finish:
-The final book (A title has already been given and some chapters have already been written! You will just have to see!)

I will also try my hardest to update my Marvel Fanfiction. I know it is my own fault for publishing too much at a time. At the time I just had so many great ideas and wanted to do so much, but life said stop.

It really does mean a lot to me that I do have people who were really interested in if I was going to finish or not, so thank you, it means the world.

I will get this series done. Summer should give me enough time to be able to continue to publish chapters.

Thank you for your understanding, and I'll update soon... how soon you may be wondering...I mean just wait and see!

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