"We knew you weren't going to take it well."

  I just collapsed again.Tears flowing."Call him for me.Get him here asap."

  Ten minutes later arms wrapped around me,pulling me into their lap."What's wrong?"

  "I-I-I'm moving,"I barely managed to mumble.I felt his arms tighten around me and tears dropping on my head."I can't do anything about it.I can't go against management."

  "How long do we have?"

  "Today and tomorrow."I collapsed into a fit of tears.His arms tightened around me."We have our laptops.And our phones.I'll call even night.Skype and messaging.We can make this work."

  "You and I both know it's not that simple.Once your career really takes off you'll forget about me."Ethan sighed,resting his chin on my head."I don't think we should do this to ourselves.Come one you know this isn't going to work."

  I couldn't listen to any more.I ran from the room,tears streaking down my cheeks.I managed to grab a sweat jacket and shades.At the hotel suite's door,I screamed,"You know the way out,"to Ethan.Since the room was only on the third floor,I ran down the stairs and out the back door-not wanting to run into any of the boys.In the past few months,I've taken plenty of walks so I know the area pretty well.I ran straight to this little park that I absolutely love.It was just about three or four blocks from the hotel,and hardly anybody ever came here.That's why I liked it so much.The only people here were couples or little kids from the area.In the maybe twenty times I've been here,I've learned some of the locals by name.But now,the tears blurred my vision.I ran straight to my regular tree and leaned my back against it.I dried most of the tears off my face.This tree was huge around the base.It was so short I,at five feet tall,could easily climb up the tree.I took a second to get my breathing back to normal before proceeding with climbing up.Since it was still only October,most of the leaves remained.Nonetheless,I was still able to  find my usual place in the tree.It was on the second highest branch.Here I could see straight to the sky and down to the ground.I checked in the pockets of my jacket to see which I had grabbed.Turns out I have twenty dollars,my hotel key card,an extra pair of sunglasses,and my cell phone.I checked the time.3:32.Perfect in just a few seconds I get to make my wish.3:33.I wish it gets easier.Rose warned me.But my luck had run out.

  I chose to forget my life for a moment.To just focus on my surroundings.I hear movement above my head.It's just a squirl.Wait,squirls don't cough.I looked above me and saw the greenest eyes-greener than Harry's-looking back down at me.I was so frightened,I nearly screamed,but thought better of it.We might both fall from the tree and then this mystery person might sue.Before I could respond,the green-eyed boy swung off his limb and down onto mine.From under his hood,I could see red hair peaking out.

  "Hello,"this person said.He had an accent.But I can't distinguish accents for anything.I'm pretty sure he's a boy about my age,maybe slightly older."I'm Nathan.Who are you?"

  "Well..."I pulled off my sunglasses.Confusion showed clear in his eyes."Me and my ego."I mumbled."I'm Gabriella.Gabriella Horan.But my friends call me Gabby.Well them and some of my fans."

  "Oh!Now I see.You're...Niall's brother.Right?"

  "Yeah.And you're not from here are you?"

  "Well no,I'm visiting from London.I'm going back the day after tomorrow."

  I started laughing.

  "What's so funny?"

  "I'm moving to London.The day after tomorrow."

  "Cool!What part?"

  "No clue.I didn't let them tell me."

  "Them as in the other lads?"

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