My goal right now is to ensure that my father would be sending Isabella back here at midnight so that I can escape and return to my peaceful life. This is not my life and I refuse to live as a fake wife for the rest of my life. I'll admit, I do care for Elijah and Arosio's parents and mischievous younger brothers. But the thought of being Arosio's fake wife makes my heart freeze in terror and sweat to glisten down the side of my face.

Hell, even if I was his real wife, God forbid, I would rather die than be married to a Mafia boss. My honor and self-respect means everything to me. My grandparents raised me with their hard-earned, clean money. My twin sister might be able to stay married to that man and use him for his filthy, bloodstained wealth but I simply cannot do so.

The endless amount of blood on his hands.

I will never allow him to paint my world with the cries of his victims.


After putting Elijah to bed in his room for a nap in Arosio's private quarters, I searched every single floor for a house phone for hours but could not find any. It took hours because his private quarters in his childhood mansion is almost half the size of his personal mansion. I can't believe this family has so much wealth, it makes my skin crawl, not wanting to think of how they acquired so much wealth.

Thoughts of Eliana sending someone to find me, since I had promised to return to her before, caused guilt to fill my heart but it's already been a few hours, and she did not send anyone. I sent a silent prayer to God for this.

The only person who came to find me was the head butler, Clarence, who informed me of lunch time with the other De Luca members but I told him that I would not join the rest of them for lunch since Elijah was still sleeping. He seemed to hesitate before slowly nodding his head and agreeing to send mine and Elijah's meals to Elijah's bedroom soon. I thanked the heavens again since I was left alone to search through Arosio's private quarters for a phone but honestly, the thought of running away right then and there, crossed my mind many times.

But I have no cellphone, no money, no clothes. I don't even know how I would get from wherever we are to where my humble abode is in the countryside with my maternal grandparents.

After searching every floor of Arosio's quarters and not finding any phone nor any housekeepers who I could ask to borrow their phone, I almost broke down into tears when I returned to Elijah's bedroom on the fourth floor.

How could he not have a single house phone in his private quarters? It feels like he purposefully got rid of them. And, why aren't there any housekeepers in this side of the monstrous mansion? From what I heard, Arosio takes privacy very seriously and the only people allowed in his private quarters are his family members but there must be a team that cleans his quarters!

Repeated sighs escaped my lips as I pulled at my hair and tried to silence my sobs. I cannot survive another day in this house, I feel like I am walking on eggshells with Arosio. His mere presence terrifies me and makes such a simple task such as breathing almost impossible to accomplish.

I had not even realized that the little boy had woken up and was now standing in front of my legs. It wasn't until Elijah hugged my legs tightly and began to speak, that I snapped out of my inner turmoil.

"Mommy, don't cry. I will be sad if you cry." Elijah mumbled against my legs as I wiped my tears and bent down to pick him up.

"Mommy is sorry for crying, I won't cry anymore. Thank you for cheering me up, my little prince," I whispered while hugging his smaller frame to my chest. He was so small, innocent and filled with so much warmth. I almost wanted to take him away with me and not leave him with the coldblooded Mafia boss.

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