"I'll probably have to stay after school to use the computers to look for a job then"

"You ain eating right now.. bring yo ass" he told me as he stood up, grabbing my bookbag so I got up and followed him out of the cafeteria, letting Akira know where I was going before I left

5:02 pm

"Since y'all go on thanksgiving break next week, I was thinking maybe you could come spend break over here with me" my aunt Terri told me as I helped her cook dinner. My momma was off today so apparently she and my brothers and sister were coming over to my aunts house for dinner and she wanted to talk to me ahead of time and most likely it was about the baby

I covered another potato in aluminum foil "that'll be cool.. but who's gonna watch Vaeh and them?"

"Me and your momma gonna handle that. She just wanna get you away for a little while since you got a lot going on I've heard"

She looked over at me with a slight sarcastic grin as she put her hand on her hip. Realizing I wasn't gonna answer she finally spoke again

"Egypt I'm not gonna say I'm happy cause I'm not, but you already got enough on your plate from what I've heard so all I can do is be there for you. But I just wanna know what in the hell were you thinking?"

"I wasn't. It just happened"

"How long have you been having sex?"

"It's only been twice. Both in August with the same person.."



She let out a sigh and shifted her weight on her left leg, crossing both arms "so who is it?"

"I really can't say?"

"Why? It's a teacher? Somebody's daddy?"

"No!.... just... please promise me you won't tell ANYBODY auntie. Not even momma"

She paused for a second "I promise"

"It's Christian"

"Christian?! Akira's Christian!?"

I nodded

"I knew that boy seemed a little too sneaky for me. Does Akira know?"

"She think the baby is Tremaine's. I'm just so scared to tell her. Plus Christian already made it clear he don't want anything to do with it"


I grabbed my phone and went to the numerous text messages Christian sent me threatening me to get an abortion along with a bunch of other hurtful shit he said

"Tell that boy fuck him! You don't need him or his god damn money. This baby will be perfectly fine without him and you show him that"

"I still don't know what I'm gonna do yet but to be on the safe side Tremaine helped me fill out some job applications"

"Mhhh. Tremaine seems to be real supportive"

"I know.. I really do feel bad because it's like I got him in an awkward situation"

"Yeah you did... but he's choosing to stay in it which means he really like you. Not too many boys would do what he's willing to do Egypt"

"I just wish I didn't have to deal with this"

"Too bad you do. All you have to do learn from this and think everything through. It's time for you to really grow up now Egypt. You having a baby. Start making mature moves now, do everything ahead of time and stay prepared because courtney already has too much to worry about and now she's stressing about you. That's why I told her I got you, just focus on the other three."

Hell On EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora