Day Out

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Well this one was I bit short but hey I just wanted to say thanks for sticking about for the 2nd part that means a lot and I hope you enjoy the chapter. Because enjoyed making it. Oh and before I forget if you don't mind leaving some comments though out the story I would really appreciate it just so I can get some feed back on how You guys are enjoying the story. Thanks again and on to the chapter.

The next day when I woke up I wondered if it was all a dream

"You slept in pretty late" I looked behind me to see Chara, her body halfway through the wall, and in that moment I realized it was not a dream but real.

"of course i would sleep in it's a saturday why won't i? and why are you halfway through my wall?" As I ask that she floats out from the wall and faces me.

"So what are we doing today?" ok answer my question with a question.

"i have no idea" Just as I say that my little brother Henry comes into my room. "sup, bro?"

"You know what's up Fred, why are you not awake? Also Lilie wants to know if you can drive her to the Commons?" Just as he asks that I think to myself that it would be a great time to hang out and get to know Chara a little more.

"yeah, sure i got nothing else to do"

"GREAT! I will tell her. I would not expect someone as lazy as you to want to drive her to the commons..."

"why is that brothering you? Henry's face changes to pure anger. He hates when I make puns out of anyone I know.


"oh come on you're smiling..."

"I am and I hate it...*sigh* anyway are you really taking Lilie to the Commons"

"hey cut me some slack i have nothing to do and i could really go for some noodles and company"

"Yeah alright well get ready" And with that Henry leaves my room.

"So what are the Commons that your brother was speaking of?"

"it's a place that has lots of great food and lots of places to shop. it's like an outdoor mall" after saying that her face lights up.

"Wow sounds like fun!" We soon make our way to the Commons.

"Ok so I will call you when you should pick me up ok?"

"no we should pick a good time to meet up"

"No I will just call you" after that Lilie runs off.

"so stubborn" I say, sighing.

"So what's the plan? What do you have planned for the day?" Wow it's like she has completely forgot that her job is to try to get me to killmyself.

"well i'm pretty hungry so why don't we go get some grub?"

"Fred.. I'm a ghost I can't eat..." Crap im an idiot how could I have not thought of that.

"well i'm still hungry so we could still go somewhere and hang out" hope that saves the situation I got myself into.

"Yeah sure. What place do you have in mind?"

"a place called noodles and company they sell the best mac and cheese i have ever tasted in my whole life. That being said we make our way to the place.

"So this is the best noodles in the world so you say?"

"sorry you can't try any because your a ghost and all that"

"Wow thanks for reminding me I almost forgot"

"oh sorry, right anyway let's head in" We make our way in and take our seats

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