Chapter 16 : Decision

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Kabir is misunderstanding the entire situation and Khushi doesn't know if she should clarify. What's the use? Will that bring them together? Even if it does, for what?

Khushi decides that it's best that she clarifies everything. Opening the door of her vanity van, she goes out in search of Kabir. She finds his vanity and knocks on the door. After banging it thrice, Kabir opens it, flustered.

"What do you think of yourself Kabir? You're in a relationship. You expect me to sit around without moving on in life? And you think I am with Ahir? Do you even know what's happening? Or you are too busy with your own damn life? Open your eyes Kabir. Look around. I am not in love with Ahir. I am in love with you!" Khushi blurts out the truth in her anger.

As soon as she realises what has just happened, she turns back and rushes to leave. Kabir holds her hand and pulls her close. Khushi shuts her eyes, too afraid of what is going to happen now, after her revelation. Kabir holds her face close to his and places a soft kiss on her cheek. As Khushi gently opens her eyes, Kabir says, "I wish I could bare my heart open for you Khushi. I am sorry Khushi. I don't know what to do."

Khushi, too shocked to say anything, asks him, "Do you love Rheesa?" Kabir says without a second thought, "No". Khushi is about to leave but asks him, "Does Rheesa love you Kabir?" Kabir is a little taken aback with this question but says firmly, "I don't know Khushi...I don't know..."

Khushi leaves in a state of despair and walks aimlessly. The horns of the car that is on her path don't reach her ears. Finally the car stops and it's Ahir. He is angry at the person who is blocking his path. Upon moving close, he realises it's Khushi. He feels sorry for her. Something must have happened for her to be in such a state. "Khushi!" he shouts and it almost breaks her trance. As Khushi comes back to her senses, she breaks into sobs in the middle of the road.

Ahir feels helpless and doesn't know if he should ask what's wrong. Instead, he holds her tightly and brings her to his car. After making her sit in the front seat, he buckles the belt to ensure that she is safe. He doesn't start the car. He silently waits till Khushi's sobs slow down. Ahir cannot take her sadness. Whatever be the reason, he cannot see her in this state.

He decides to take her to his place tonight. It is not safe for her to be alone in this condition. He asks in a hushed voice, "Khushi, I think you should stay with someone tonight. Can you stay with me tonight, if you don't mind? You'll be safe, I promise." Khushi smiles and nods her head. Safe. Yes, that's how she feels with him. Safe. Secure. Even protected.

As they reach his house, Khushi is amazed at how simple yet beautiful Ahir's house is. The mellow lights playing with the wooden furniture make it look so peaceful. Perhaps, Ahir knows how to make everything calm and composed. As Khushi sits on the sofa thinking about what happened today, Ahir brings two cups of piping hot coffee. Handing her a cup, he asks her to be careful. Typical Ahir. Always taking care that the other one is fine and safe.

"You want to know what happened today Ahir?" Khushi looks at him. Ahir thinks for a while and says, "Only if you want to share Khushi." Khushi smiles and narrates everything, right from the very beginning. How she met Kabir. How Rheesa came back in his life. How complicated everything was, how it still is.

"Khushi, do you think love is more important than peace?" Ahir asks Khushi. She is startled. She had never thought of this before. It was such a simple question. But such an important one. Truly, what was more important in her life? Love? Or her peace? Being with Kabir meant turbulence. It meant complications. But it also meant love. It also meant a feeling she has never felt before.

Ahir, sensing Khushi's state of mind, goes on, "Give everything some time Khushi. You never know what problems Kabir is facing. He cares about you for sure. It is evident. Give him some time. Till then Khushi, don't tamper with your mental peace. Take one day at a time. Don't expect anything in return. Build yourself Khushi. Everything else will fall in place."

Khushi looks at Ahir in disbelief. He feels for her deeply, she knows that. How selflessly did he tell her to wait. He didn't give her advice ruled by his feelings. He gave her advice going by how he feels for her. Protective and concerned. It came from that space. Khushi, unable to control herself, gives Ahir a tight hug. He is caught unaware but he hesitates before reciprocating the hug. One that is friendly for Khushi, but something more than that for Ahir.

That night, as Khushi lays on Ahir's bed, while Ahir sleeps on the sofa of his living room, Khushi decides something. She will stop being consumed by Kabir. Either Kabir comes to her completely, or Khushi moves on. She is done being caught between the whirlwind of emotions.

As Ahir tries to fall asleep, he battles with his emotions. While one part of his heart says that he needs to stop doing this. He is hurting from inside. Trying to be her friend, her guardian. Waiting till she is someone else's. Another part of his heart forces him to go on. For Khushi needs him. She needs someone like Ahir. To calm down every storm in her life.

Kabir, oblivious to everything, decides that he will talk to Rheesa. The same Rheesa who is planning on surprising Kabir with a grand proposal on the sets tomorrow. 

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