Chapter 14 : Ahir

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Destiny Tales. Ahir Ray's first project. His soul. His life. Everything he worked for finally manifested when his maiden idea got a green light from a big producer. For this web series, he was looking for a face that would do justice to the role of Noor. He knew very well that Kabir Sikand would be playing the role of Shakya. That mature demeanor and the troubled interior, was second nature to Kabir.

But who would be able to portray the loving Noor? The Noor who is so carefree that she soothes every ache with a smile? That life smiles when she laughs? From the many photos that he received, one stood out - Khushi Grewal. That innocence in her smile, that sparkle in her eyes. He had found his Noor. Several auditions were conducted. The producer badly wanted the popular face Rheesa to be casted as the titular character, but for Ahir, Khushi stood out. He went with his gut.

Perhaps, not such a wise decision. This was the second time Khushi was backing out. That too after such a great first day! She was a natural. She played Noor so effortlessly. That scene where Noor and Shakya have that quintessential kiss, was the one Ahir was worried the most about. But Kabir and Khushi were naturals. He felt happy that he found his Noor and Shakya in Khushi and Kabir.

It was pack up finally, but right then Khushi called him in a trembling voice, announcing her decision, once again. This was totally out of the blue for Ahir. He never expected her to be so unprofessional and immature. He tried to reason out with her, but she was adamant. Interestingly, his producer called him exactly ten minutes later to ask him if Khushi is still a part of Destiny Tales, almost hinting about Rheesa. How uncanny, Ahir thinks.

He cannot think clearly and decides to shoot Kabir's scenes tomorrow. It's almost midnight and his phone rings. It's Khushi, yet again. This time he is adamant. He won't give her another chance. But, he doesn't know why, he ends up giving in when it comes to her. Is it because no other actress can do justice to Noor's character? Perhaps, he should give Rheesa a chance. It is all in his head, he thinks. As the phone rings for the third time, Ahir finally gives up and picks it up.

"What is it Khushi? It's 12 in the night!" he says with a tone of irritation mixed with anger. "Hear me out Ahir, please!" Khushi pleads from the other end. Ahir's silence gives her strength and the indication that he has indeed decided to hear her out.

"Ahir, I am sorry. There was a terrible misunderstanding. I realise it is extremely stupid of me. Very immature. But trust me, I was being a thorough professional. I am sure Rheesa will do a better job than me, but please give me this one last chance!" Khushi concludes.

Rheesa? How did she know? Ahir is shocked. Perhaps grapevine, he dismisses. "Khushi, you know why I chose you for Noor? Because I felt you are like her. I felt that if someone understands Noor and her actions, other than me, it's you! But now, I am not too sure! I don't understand these sudden mood swings of yours. And I have too much at stake to have someone who is unsure of what she wants, working with me, at this stage of my career," Ahir says.

After a deafening silence Khushi tries to control her tears and tells Ahir, "This last time. Trust me this last time. Give me this chance. You won't regret this, I promise!" she announces.

Ahir gives in, once again. He doesn't know how or why Khushi has managed to have this hold on him. He likes her perhaps, he deduces. He decides to help her out. He was like this once. Directionless, helpless. Little does he know that Khushi is neither. She is simply lost in the web of lies spun around her.

As Ahir says "Ok", Khushi opens her phone to type - "I am sorry, I am still a part of the show" and hits send. Kabir receives the message but doesn't respond. She waits and waits, and then finally cannot anymore. She calls him. After five missed calls, he picks up, groggy.

"Meet me at my house in five. I don't want to hear anything!" Khushi declares and hangs up. She crosses her fingers and waits in anticipation. True to what she had expected, the bell rings exactly in five minutes.

Kabir is angry and sleepy. Khushi opens the door wide and he steps inside silently. He sits on the sofa, his head resting between his hands. "I can't do this anymore Khushi. It's getting too much. You are hell bent on believing everything and everyone but me. Why am I getting involved? Why did you call me here. It's your life, your career. Do whatever you want to do man!" Kabir is exasperated as these words leave his mouth.

Khushi sits beside him, leans and rests her head on this shoulder. He doesn't budge. "Kabir, I am sorry. I understand everyone and everything. But I am not able to understand us. Give me time Kabir. Give me time," she says.

As Kabir turns towards her, she shuts her eyes. They come close, but don't kiss. They soak in this moment. This moment that gives them control. Because if they lose this moment, they will lose all sense of control.

At his home, Ahir scrolls through Khushi's pics. His Noor found the right match finally. He shuts his eyes and Khushi's face floats in his imagination. He opens them, almost in a shock. What just happened? He thinks out loud. No, it cannot be. It's not professional, he decides. As he goes to sleep, little does he know that he will dream of Khushi. 

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