Chapter 8 : Rheesa

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As soon as Kabir got the message, he tried calling Rheesa. That message was odd. It was sent quite randomly and she seldom does anything without any motive. Her phone had been switched off so Kabir went on with his business.

After almost twenty minutes, Kabir gets a call from Rheesa's number. He picks up only to realise that it's not Rheesa. "Sir, Madam has taken some pills. She is not waking up," said the voice across the phone. As soon as he hears this, Kabir goes numb. What now? He thinks. He always wanted a relationship, but Rheesa was not one to commit. Now when he finally called it quits, she does this? For what? To get him back? At the cost of her life? Is this love? Or madness?

Kabir rushes over and calls his family physician. They can't go to a hospital. It will lead to a lot of murk. As both of them arrive at the same time, Rheesa is still unconscious. All the efforts of making her wake up by her staff are in vain. Kabir is shattered. It all happened because he wanted to move on. How can he be the reason behind someone's death? He starts cursing himself as the doctor tries everything to revive Rheesa.

Finally after what seems like an eternity, he comes from Rheesa's room to tell Kabir that she has woken up. It seems like she took an overdose of her sleeping pills and it is out of her system now. She is still weak, and needs constant care and attention. Kabir listens to everything solemnly. His thoughts go back to Khushi every now and then, but he brings them back to Rheesa.

Kabir takes a decision. To take Rheesa with him, to stay with him for a few days, till she feels better. If only he had thought before taking such a decision. As a semi conscious Rheesa sits on the passenger's seat, all buckled up with Kabir driving and looking at her every few minutes, Khushi cannot help but reimagine everything that took place today. She is on cloud nine and cannot shake this feeling. Just friends, she mumbles and starts laughing. Is this love? Or is this madness? She asks herself, before shaking off any further thoughts. I need to concentrate on my career, she reminds herself.

As Kabir finally reaches his place, he thinks twice about telling Khushi everything, but refrains. What does she need any justification. He told her that they are friends. This isn't important. Perhaps, it was needed. A shock like this. To help him forget about how he is feeling what he is feeling for Khushi.

Rheesa can barely walk, and is limping. Kabir holds her tightly and helps her walk to the lift. He is feeling guilty and ashamed. He pushed Rheesa to do this, and he cannot look at her in the eye. Rheesa can barely talk and all she manages to say is, "I am sorry Kabir. I didn't know what else to do. I cannot lose you..."

Kabir's eyes well up with guilt and promises himself that he will take care of Rheesa forever. As he opens the door of his house, he glances over and casts a long sorrowful look at Khushi's closed door. He realises the meaning of this. That one door will always remain shut now. No matter what happens.

As Rheesa steps inside, Kabir shuts his heart close. No one can enter it anymore. Not after today. Not after what Rheesa went through. Kabir asks his cook to make some coffee for the both of them. Rheesa feels at home, protected. To savour this feeling, she steps out under the sky in Kabir's huge balcony. As the wind blows on Rheesa's face, it does on Khushi's face too, as she looks at Rheesa in disbelief. Kabir comes with the piping hot coffee and hands a cup over to Rheesa.

As Rheesa leans in on Kabir's shoulder, he looks at Khushi helplessly. The questions in Khushi's eyes have their answers in the tears that well up. Kabir's eyes have guilt once again. Not because Khushi is upset. Because he can no longer follow his heart. 

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