Chapter 10

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The next part was a blur. All Thomas could see was the blood. The blood on his back that sprawled up his muscles and crept over his shoulders.
He didn't see the griever swerve around the body and head towards him. He didn't see it until it was in front of him.
It's horrible sound burst back into his ears and in fear and shock he stayed rooted to where he stood, defenceless.
He wondered if ending up with his own crimson stain would be better then this.
Better then not having him.
The griever clicked and hissed and swiped its bladed figure towards Thomas, slashing his arm above his shoulder. He cried out, the searing pain somehow pushing him out of his trace. Stumbling, he clutched his arm as the blood ran through his fingers.
Dashing forwards he tried to swerve around the monster but he got caught between the wall and the griever. It took a stab at his chest as he fell to the ground and rolled, getting up quickly, his shoes scuffling along the dirt floor. The noise was so loud it became like white noise - nothing but a sound that was just... There.
He felt the monster behind him, terror grabbing at the edges of his brain, blurring his vision.
Newt lay on the ground motionless in front of him. The terror in Thomas brain was laced with sadness as he fell to his knees next to the boy.
"No newt, no no, come on, come on"
He pushed newt over, rolling him onto his back. Their blood mixed on his fingers.
As newt rolled his wound hit the gravel ground and the boy didn't make a sound but his face creased with pain.
Thomas pressed his fingers to newts neck, feeling his slow pulse.
He wished he could pass on the speed of his own heart which was almost bursting from his chest.
Despite all of his thoughts, newts instructions rung in his brain.
There only saviour.
Down one corridor.....
along for three exits.....
Then turn right.....
Then left.
He'd passes two exits. One more to go and then two turns. And he was there. What exactly he'd find there, he did not know. But he had nothing else to do.
Heaving newt onto his back, Thomas jogged forward, the griever pacing behind them. The fear in his heart pumped through his brain and the creature gained on them, hissing and clicking like it was threatening the boy.
I'll get you, Thomas.
I'll get you.
I'll get him too.
you'll never see him again.
"No" Thomas panted, marching forward, slightly surprised at how fast his legs were taking him.
He took a right, down another long hallway, streaked with ivy.
His breath caught in his throat and threatened to suffocate him as he ran on.
So close to the left turn.
So close.
But so was the griever.

Short chapter sorry but the next one will be longer!! Hope ya like this, what do you think the saviour will be??
Feel privileged bc I'm posting this on wattpad before I've posted it on Instagram wooo!
Tysm for 1.7k reads! 💕💕

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