Chapter 1

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As darkness wrapped around his body like a cloak, his first thought sunk into his brain. nothing. there was nothing in his mind. nothing.

before he could even sense his surroundings, only one emotion swelled up inside him.


he sucked in an enormous breath as he felt rough metal under his fingers, he felt the cold on his knees, even through the material of his pants.

he felt enclosed - even in the darkness he could tell that he was in a tiny space. his lungs screamed for air as he frantically looked around, and his heart fell as he realised something else.

cold, hard air, rushing down on his face. the thrilling feeling of moving upwards at an incredible speed.

a lift.

the word stung at his brain but he couldn't remember a single time he'd been in one before.

he couldn't remember anything. his family. his friends. nothing.

not his home or wherever he was born. not even when he was born. not even his age.

"help me" his voice felt incredibly tight in his throat like he hadn't spoken in years.

he did remember some things. he was relived when he could remember things like how to stand, letters, numbers, words. but not anything that... made him....him.

panic owned him as he stood up slowly, shaking as he tried to keep his balance. he took a step forward and felt a mesh material under his outstretched palm.

it was cold like the metal he stood on, he felt the air rush up the sides of the lift as he continued to soar upwards. his gut wrenched as he wondered what was at the top.

no lights framed the box he was in, the darkness didn't move as the boy rose higher.

he felt his heart in his chest, like a caged animal trying to escape. the only sounds were his raged breathing and the surprisingly loud screeches of the lift.

the boy knew the box would stop before it did.

he didn't know how, but he knew that it was about to stop.

before he could act he was smashed to the ground. the shear force of the lift stopping causing his feet to lose balance and his head to crash to the ground.

he let out a cry of pain, it echoed around the finally still box.

now, only the boys breathing filled the small space.

there was a loud creak of metal and a tiny slither of light broke in the ceiling. the crack in the darkness grew and for a moment the boy was blinded, he could only see white light streaming down on his face.

as the crack grew even larger, shapes began to form against the light.

figures. a person. lots of people. boys. lots of boys. a whole group of them, standing around the box that was sunken into the ground. complete confusion struck the boys mind as he blinked several times, desperately trying to make sense of every thing.

he tried to form words but he didn't know what to say.

what seemed like around 20 pairs of eyes stared down at him, almost all of them wearing a smug look on their face.

only two faces caught the boys eye.

one, a strong looking boy, maybe 18, with dark skin and a shaved head, staring down at him with almost a different kind of smug look on his face. the boy inside the box instantly knew he was the leader. Somthing about the way he held himself.

the other face was much different, warmer, kinder, and one of the few that didn't were a smug expression. it was almost a look of... satisfaction....pride. he had shaggy blonde hair that swept around his golden brown eyes. his small smile creased his face and made his eyebrows rise ever so slightly.

the boy snapped out of his haze when the first boy, the leader, spoke.

"welcome to the glade, green bean"

green bean? glade?


a few people chuckled at his reaction but the leader stayed silent. so did the boy with blonde hair. he just seemed to stand there and smile.

"where am i?" his voice still felt tight but he took in a sharp breath through his nose.

"the glade. he just told you shank" this was another boy, with black hair and a look on his face that screamed 'i would do anything not to be here'

"shut you face Gally. give the greenie a break" this was the blonde boy, his voice somehow different to the other boys he'd heard.

like he was from somewhere else.

he had no idea where.

Blondie shot the other boy, Gally, a horrible look before he jumped down into the box.

the boy inside scrambled back, his back slamming into the back wall of the lift.

"woah there. relax greenie. its okay. I'm not gonna buggin' hurt ya" he held out his hand, his palm open as if to say 'its alright. calm down'

the boy felt his breath quicken as he looked into the blonde boys eyes, frantically trying to work him out. he felt his muscles relax as he realised what the boy had just said.

not only had he been the nicest boy yet - he had already defended him from that Gally guy.

"there ya go" he lowered his arm and spoke three words

"name's newt, greenie"

he only understood two of those words but something in his chest shifted as he repeated the boys name


"yep. there ya go"

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