Chapter 13

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Thomas stood slowly, taking a steep back from his friend.
"So which... I mean, which door...?" He steeped towards the small one on the far side of the room, his hand instinctively curled around the cold brass handle.
"N-no!" Newt grumbled from the wall, his arm stretched out towards him.
Thomas turned back to the other boy, his hand shrinking away from the handle immediately as if it was suddenly hot to the touch.
"Last time... Well last time I opened it-"
Newts words shook out of his lips and he moved his head slowly "well I...went though the other door"
The other door...?" Thomas glanced at the other end of the room, the larger door sat staring at him. He tried not to think of the other door behind him. He tried to ignore the flash of recognition in newts eyes.
"It leads to the glade?" He questioned, making his way to the other door.
Newt leaned forward slightly, wincing. He cursed under his breath and blanched his eyes shut. They clung closed for a short while, Thomas could almost see the visions that newt was so clearly seeing behind his eyelids.
"There's a tunnel. Since the maze changes the entrance to the other end always changes. But this one? It's always here. The other end may lead us deeper into the maze or closer to the glade, who knows, but it's the way back."
The way back
But Thomas didn't want to know the way back. He wanted to know the way out.
He turned back to the other door, his curiosity crawling through his nerves.
What if?
"Tommy..?" He snapped out of his daze and faced newt. His only friend in the glade. All he could see was the boys caramel eyes stained with the horrors and pain in his bloodstream.
He had to go back to the glade.
Newt had to see the medjacks.
"C'mon" Thomas moved towards newt, stretching his arm down to the boy on the floor. Newts hand wrapped around the scrapes on Thomas' palm, his blood on newts fingernails.
Thomas summoned all his strength and pulled newt slowly up from the ground, placing his hand on newts good shoulder to guide him up.
"We really gotta get moving if we are gonna get you to the medjacks -"
"Heya...tommy? I don't really know if I can -" his words cut off and Thomas felt his grip loosen as newt slipped from his hand. Panic rose in his chest again and in that spilt second he spun and caught his friend, his arms hooked under newts.
The boy was limp in his arms as Thomas chest rose and feel with increasing speed.
"Newt? Newt?!" He straightened the boy up, his head hung loose, newts chin on his chest.
No no no no no
"Come on" Thomas muttered pulling his arm from newts side to his face. He pushed his chin up to face him.
Newts eyes were closed, his face warm and flushed with colour. But the colour was draining quickly.
"Okay.okay. okay" murmured Thomas lifting newts arm over his shoulder. They shuffled forward together, Thomas pulling newt beside him. The fear swam inside him. He tried to send his own energy through his finger tips, he wanted to take newts pain. But he couldn't.
Finally, they reached the door. Thomas took the handle in his spare hand and gripped it tightly I leaning his wait on it, resting for a moment. Newts face was so close to his he could feel every small breath he took.
"Come on, newt. lets get ya to the glade." And with those words he twisted the handle and pushed the door open, the smell of rotting soil hit him like a wave.

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