Chapter 5

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Newt had stood up and dragged Thomas along with him to the nearest doors.
"They will come" he reassured Thomas "they will"
Thomas only nodded as they headed over to the doors. What was a griever? What could a dead griever possibly mean?
Thomas thought about asking newt but he knew the boy had way to much on his mind already.
Thomas could almost see his thoughts in the creases of his furrowed eye brows. Chuck was already sitting near the doors so he came over to join the other boys beside the wall.
"The doors should close any second" he whispered.
Newt glanced at him and muttered
"They should be back - any second"
Someone shouting to Thomas left startled him as he turned to see who had called.
A few gladers huddled around another door, some staring through the door, some yelling to the others to come see.
"Oh shuck..." Newt murmured as he set off towards the others.
Thomas and newt followed.
As soon as they got there newt hurried to the front, Thomas staying close.
Though the doors he could see Minho and Alby, slowly moving to wards the glade down a long passage way.
But something was wrong.
"Alby?!" Newt yelled into the maze but as they drew closer Thomas knew for sure that something was off.
Albys entire body was limp and lifeless, it was sprawled over Minho's back as the boy hauled the leader towards the glade.
"He been stung!" Someone shouted
"Yeah. Albys been stung!"
Thomas looked across at newt who was staring into the maze like he might be able to hold the doors open with his gaze.
He looked insanely worried.
But Thomas could see a flicker of hope.
But that hope soon vanished.
A wind swept out of the maze, hitting the gladers full force, and the ground began to tremble.
"Newt can't we do something?!" Thomas yelled over the harsh wind that swept out of the doors. Minho shoved and pushed and dragged Alby forwards but Thomas knew it would be no use.
"I can't-"
"Well we can't just-!"
Newt glanced over at Thomas and he was surprised to see sadness in his eyes. A small sadness that sunk into his entire face. It hurt. It hurt Thomas to see him that way.
Newt then glanced over at Gally - of all people - then his face hardened
"Okay tommy. Okay"
And before Thomas could reply, newt dashed forward, into the maze.
Thomas shouted with the other gladers as newt stumbled over to Minho and Alby, when he finally reached them, he and Minho scooped the unconscious boy - Thomas could hear there screams of effort over the shouts of the boys all around him.
Thomas wanted to step out - to help them. But that sadness he had seen in newts eyes stopped him.
"Newt!! Go, run. Come on, Minho! Go newt!" He yelled, his throat burning and his heart beating so fast in his chest he felt like he was back in the box.
The doors had begun to close but they were nearly there. The boys began to squeeze together, preparing to fit through the doors.
The gladers around Thomas grew tighter as well, straining to see.
Minho clutched albys legs as he leaded the way through the thick doors. The walls almost scrapped his shoulders. Thomas lost sight of newt as he was near the back, pushing Alby by his shoulders.
"Newt! Newt?!"
The walls squeezed inwards and finally began to shove against the gladers shoulders.
Everyone feel silent as Minho burst into the glade, giving albys legs an enormous tug causing Alby to limply fall ino the glade as well.
Newt. No newt.
Thomas rushed to the crack in the wall, he heard newt screaming and yelling. Thomas looked into the crack in the doors and saw newt, still scrambling forward through the tiny gap. His face scratched against the stone, blood falling down his cheeks. His lips were cut and Thomas could have sworn he was crying, the salty tears running the thought the blood and the grime.
"Newt!! NEWT!" Thomas screamed his throat of fire, his entire body shaking with adrenaline.
Newts hand was spread out in front of him, towards Thomas, so he grabbed it.
newts whispered one word endlessly, one Thomas could quite make out. Newts eyes soon clenched shut. His hand was hot and sweaty but Thomas gripped it tightly and pulled with all his strength.
Not newt. Not newt.

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