Chapter 15

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Liliya felt empty when her footsteps echoed through the night. She'd been crying all day, as she'd arranged for her mum to be taken to the funeral home. They'd helped her set things up for the funeral too, giving her tissues every time she burst into tears. She must've gone through an entire pack of them. Even just a few hours ago she'd been standing over the open coffin, thanking her mother for everything she'd done. For raising her to make the right choices.

But now, at ten to twelve, she'd turned hollow. There were no more tears left to cry.

Her legs moved on autopilot through the city, the same route she'd walked so many times before. Manassa wasn't as pretty anymore. Liliya had lived here all her life, always finding the bright streetlights hiding the sky from view and the packed-together buildings charming. Now, it felt suffocating, claustrophobic, like a giant had built a wall of blocks around her and closed her in. The streetlights were spotlights he shone on her.

As she approached the library, she glanced around. She wasn't entirely sure that she hadn't been followed. Not only did that crazy woman know where she lived, Kit had been acting strange all day as well.

When Kit had come back later that afternoon, it turned out Nyron had managed to escape. Liliya didn't want to ask how, because she was afraid it would seem too eager. Kit had asked again whether she knew he'd been there, and she'd lied again. This time, though she didn't want to say anything while her best friend was arranging her mum's funeral, the disbelief was clear in her eyes.

Kit didn't trust her.

Her mum was gone, her boyfriend was a fugitive and her best friend didn't trust her.

When had the world become so awful?

Hiding in the shadows of an old and gnarled tree just behind the library building, she waited. The cold of the night air made her shiver. She flinched every time an owl hooted or someone shouted something far away.

Midnight came and went.

The cold seeped deep into her limbs, making her bones stiffen.

When a crunching came from her right, Liliya crouched down, peering around the tree trunk. It was too dark to see anything. Or anyone.

Another crunch, and then, "Liliya? Where are you?"

A wave of relief flowed through her. She stepped out of the shadows throwing her arms around his shoulders.

Nyron froze for a moment, startled from the sudden movement, but he soon hugged her back.

"Hey," he whispered into her neck. "Are you okay?"

"Not really," she said, swallowing fresh tears down.

His arms wrapped tighter around her. "I'm sorry."

"They said they'd caught you," said Liliya. "Over the radio."

"Nah. They just thought they did."

Liliya chuckled, breathing in the sweet smell of his coat.

It felt as if her heart broke into a thousand tiny pieces when he pulled away.

"I don't think I have a lot of time," he muttered. "I thought I could shake them, but they've been after me all day."

She nodded, trying her best not to break down in front of him. "Can I come with you?"

Surprise flashed through his eyes. "Come with me? But you don't know where I'm going."

"It doesn't matter," said Liliya. "I can't stay here. I need a fresh start. And I want to stay with you."

His lips curled into a smile as he pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I'd love for you to come with me."

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