Rebellion and Overblot!

Start from the beginning

"The rules themselves are no real reason to do whatever you want. Like I said before; That's the act of a tyrant! A real leader must have real courage." Hazel spoke getting Riddle's attention.

"No one will follow rules that are lenient! What sort of lessons were you given from your own parents that you can't even understand something so simple as this? I thought that at least the famous Potter would at least understand. They must've been pathetic themselves compared to their daughter." Riddle scoffed.

Hazel would've walked over to the brat and give him a good back-handed slap for bad-mouthing her late parents. But Ace beat her to it with a punch to the face shocking everyone


RIDDLE: Eh...?!
CATER & TREY: "Riddle!?
CROWLEY: Rosehearts!?
HEARTSLABYUL STUDENTS: "He... He punched the Prefect?!
GRIM: "That was a pretty clean right hook!"
DEUCE: "A-Ace!?"

ACE: "Ah, I'm tired. I don't care about you or this duel anymore.
RIDDLE: "Ouch... Eh? You... punched me...?
ACE: "Kids aren't their parents' trophies. Your parents aren't the ones who get to decide what you're worth. I finally understand that you being a trashy person isn't your mom or dad's fault at all! You've been in this school for a year. And the one to blame is the bastard you call a friend who did nothing but turn a blind eye to your selfishness!"
RIDDLE: "What are you saying...?"
ACE: "And I understand that your mom raised you the way she did, but is "Mama this, Mama that" all you can say?! You're not capable of thinking for yourself!? To hell with that "Red Ruler" bullshit! You're just a baby who happens to be gifted with magic!
RIDDLE: "Baby, you say...? Me...?! You know nothing and yet... You don't know anything about me and yet...!

ACE: "Yeah, I don't. I don't know a damn thing! Do you think I'd know anything with that attitude of yours? Don't be stupid.
RIDDLE: "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!! QUIET!!!" Riddle began to shout, looking more like a kid throwing a tantrum when things didn't go their way. "Mother is right! That's why I am also right!!"

Trey began to panic when Riddle was starting to go beserk. "Riddle, calm down. The duel is already over!"
"Clover is right. Any attacks done outside of the duel will nullify your victory! If you continue to do any more than this, you will be breaking the rules!" Crowley said trying to get some sense into the raging redhead. But some of the Heartslabyul residents were getting just as mad about this and out of nowhere.....

Someone threw an egg at the ill tempered prefect.

TREY: "!? What was that...? An egg...? Did someone throw that?"
RIDDLE: "Who threw that egg at me!?"


Before anyone knew it, it seemed that Riddle had finally snapped with madness. ".....HAHAHAHAHA! You've had enough? I'm the one who's had enough!! No matter how much I warned you, no matter how strict I've gotten, you all kept breaking the rules! Every single one of you... You're all just idiots who think about yourselves! Very well. If no one will admit, then I'll have you all take responsibility!"

Many of the students got scared and started scattering anywhere to find a hideaway. 
"Off with all your heads! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" Riddle started shrieking like a banshee.


In the process of trying to get away, students lefts and right got the collors on their necks.
HEARTSLABYUL STUDENTS: Urk...!! The collar is...!!

Riddle began cackling like a madman. "Ahahaha! How's that! Now none of you can raise a hand against me! I'm the only one who's right because I protect the rules!"

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