"But I don't know what to do," Tino whined.  You shrugged.

"You could join me in making my coffee cake muffins."  You suggested as you started getting to work.

"Eh?  But you made cookies yesterday," Tino said.


"And a cake two days ago," Tino mumbled.  You shrugged again.

"I'm just taking advantage of my free time to bake for pleasure."  You said.  Tino just looked downcast.

"But there's been too many sweets lately..."  He mumbled.  You didn't hear it though as Hana ran into the kitchen, stopping in front of you and giving you an excited look, obviously wanting to have a taste.

"No Hana, people food isn't good for puppies," You said.  But that didn't faze the cute puppy who sat beside you excitedly.

'At least someone appreciates my baking,'  You thought to yourself as you pulled out a dog treat for Hana.


You looked up from your book to see Emil grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Taking a break?"  You asked.  Emil just groaned.

"It's tough working from home."  Emil complained.

"How so?"  You asked.  Emil started stretching.

"It's hard to sit still for so many hours and stare at a screen.  Plus, I feel like I've been getting more work assigned to me.  It's frustrating."  Emil said.

"I'm not surprised," You said.  "Quarantine has probably messed things up for everyone and now you're stuck doing damage control."

"That's putting it mildly," Emil said.  "Never thought I'd miss being able to go to work.  I feel like I"m hearing more yelling from my boss now on the phone more than ever."  He said.

Just as he said that, his phone went off.  Emil looked at it and sighed.

"Your boss?"  You asked.

"Speak of the devil and they shall appear..."  Emil mumbled.  You gave him a small smile.

"Good luck and try not to suffer too much," You said, having nothing else really to say.  Emil just groaned and walked off to his home office, shutting the door behind him.

Sadly though, this didn't do much to muffle the yelling you could hear coming from his boss via the computer monitor.

'Keep your chin up Emil, you're just going to have to suck it up and deal with things till the world goes back to normal,'  You thought to yourself as you put your headphones on.



"Yes dyrebare?"

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?"  You asked, glancing around.

"Coffee is essential," Lukas said as he kept walking.  You jogged to keep up.

"No, I mean going out, against quarantine, without gloves or a mask on," You said.  And it was true, Lukas didn't seem to particularly care about safety guidelines.

"I don't need them," Lukas said.

"But there's a pandemic!"  You said.

"I know," Lukas said.  You shook your head.

"But if you aren't careful you'll get sick," You said.  Lukas sighed and waved his hand.

Instantly you noticed a muted light covering his body like a thin film.  You then noticed that it also seemed to cover you as well.

"What's... this?"  You asked, staring down at your glove-covered hands.

"A barrier," Lukas said.

"A barrier?"

"One that can keep germs out," Lukas said.

"Are you sure this can keep us safe from the virus?" You asked, honestly not believing him.  Lukas nodded.

"Yes, now we can get coffee."  He said, just as you two arrived at the supermarket.  "I need coffee."

You just breathed a sigh of relief and followed Lukas inside, happy to know that you aren't going to get the virus.


You sighed as you returned home from a walk, not wanting to be locked back inside on such a nice day, but there was work to be done.

You unlocked the door and opened it, walking inside only to be greeted by Berwald.

"H-hello Ber-bear."  You said softly.

"... Str'p [Strip]."  Berwald said, making you freeze in place.

"W-what?"  You asked, honestly stunned.  Berwald just stared you down.

"... Str'p [Strip]."

"W-why?"  You asked, getting nervous.

'I heard some people have been... having "fun" during this time but I didn't peg Berwald as one of them,'  You thought to yourself, feeling flustered.

"I n'd t' d's'nf'ct y'u [I need to disinfect you]," He said, holding up wipes and a spray.  You blushed more in embarrassment now but nodded and took your coat and shoes off, which Berwald was quick to start cleaning.

"Sh'w'r [Shower]," Berwald told you, sounding like an order.  You nodded and dashed off to the bathroom.

'I feel awful for misunderstanding him!'  You mentally yelled as you popped into the shower.  You sighed as you relaxed under the warm water, only to hear the door open.

"[name]," Berwald said, giving you a heart-attack.

"Ack!"  You yelled, hugging your body close.

You heard Berwald move around, making a blush rise on your face.

"I'm g'ng t' d' l'ndry [I'm going to do laundry]," Berwald said nonchalantly, picking up your clothing and leaving the bathroom, leaving you to your shower.

'I feel like dying of embarrassment right now,'  You thought to yourself.

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